I find that so odd. I had also waited in Dalaran for release, did the main scenario quest on my main, and when I got to my alts, got access to the Silithus skip just fine. I just find it odd that it could happen to folks like that.
Thank you, I knew there was something there but couldn’t pull it out of the brain
I did the quests as they were given me during DF to be all prepared for TWW. Every single 70 I did those quests on when they came up.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh okay I gotchya I gotchya. Now I get what you’re saying. You managed to find a solution then right? Got the skip in Dalaran?
this reminded me of an old Metal Gear 2 review complaining about Metal Gear having a story and said story interrupting the gameplay lmao
imagine the vacuum inside this brain
Yea. “go beat the gym leaders and become the pokemon master.”
And “hey look, criminals.”
That’s the kind of story that actually serves a video game. Not all this wanna-be HBO crap.
It’s true. Video games have bad stories. Anybody who says otherwise either doesn’t read or doesn’t watch good tv shows.
Video games should be video games.
I wonder why The Witcher 3 and Baldur’s Gate 3 are the games of the decade then…
no - we found out we could get to the city by taking the portal to Donegal. I have 10 characters who have been in Donegal for a week leveling and doing professions.
The Witcher would be waaaay better if it didn’t have so much story.
Baldurs Gate 3 is at least funny…I’ll give a funny game a partial pass. (although hearing the same joke on multiple playthroughs is awful)
Ok you just admitted to being trolling, the conversation is over have a nice day haha
Well, at least now you know to be careful what sort of quests you do before an expansion launch because WOW can be sneaky like that lmao. I don’t think they really expected folks to do it on ten different alts haha.
Alright so it did have story. That’s all I was getting at.
The whole WoW’s story thing though, not even going to touch on that. Don’t feel like getting flamed atm for my take on it.
Bro the Witcher story is legit mid-tier garbage. The gameplay is good…it’s a good game. But it’s DESPITE the story, not because of it.
No. When I say a game shouldn’t have a story I’m obviously not talking about world building, or environmental storytelling.
Go away with your pedantic nonsense.
Lol, you got issues my dude. Dont post of the forums saying stupid stuff if you don’t want people to correct you.
You may know what you’re talking about, but no one else does. Context is necessary otherwise you get corrected for saying something dumb.
But have fun.
Typical forum dweller. No arguments at all. Just cries and flips the gameboard every time.
Don’t know what issue you are having but:
When you level an alt after completing the campaign, go to town, and go to the adventurer’s tent, one of the bronzebeards will give you a quest that has the option for “skip the campaign on this character”. Click on that and all campaign quests will be marked as completed.
Secondly, a lot of the quests are moving to “warbound” which basically just means once/account/week usually.
same here. just finished todays addition to the campaign but there’s no weekly and i can pick up the quest to choose which nerubian to support but choosing one does nothing. i still have the quest
You have got to be the only person who liked the gameplay lol, it seems to be the least liked thing in that game, most played it for the story