So none of my characters get a weekly because I didn't do the campaign - seriously?

The beginning of the campaign after Dalaran was the most boring expansion campaign. I was like why am I serving drinks during an expansion campaign??? But it got really good towards the end. I loved the spider zone quests and storyline.

Questing is a huge part of wow. I can understand not wanting to do it repeatedly on alts but not at all? That’s just not how the game is meant to be played.

There’s 6 total, of which you can do 2 for gear, and 4 for keys

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Really six? Mmm, it’s possible I missed two. Well – oh yeah I guess the special assignments also technically count as weeklies. OH there’s also that repairing quest – the one where you defend the dude in that little titan…cave thing. I forget what it’s called.


I had an alt character that was level 71 by the time early access ended and didn’t choose a skip on. I took her to Brann Bronzebeard in the Delve hut by the Inn and chose a zone to adventure in. I think it was Ringing Deeps. I ignored that selection and just go wherever the mining and herbalism leads me. She has the weekly quest. She isn’t 80 yet though so doesn’t have the zone quests or dungeon quest yet.

Awesome, tyty, both!

the quest to go Dalaran after you go to Silithus was and Silithus was where the skip originally was.

The Silithus skip is still there. I /just/ checked on a fresh 70 alt. So you must’ve missed it and progressed too far without realizing.

What are the six? Last week I believe I only did 4. The quest that rewarded the spark. 3 in other zones and the dungeon weekly

ur kidding me right. why buy an expansion then if the main selling point is new story??? sorry that the world doesn’t revolve around you

  1. The big weekly
  2. The play on dorn
  3. Awakening the machine
  4. Special assignments
  5. The hallowfall thing
  6. Soemthing else that I can’t remember lol

Yes. But that’s not the problem.

It’s not easy to get back there, without the teleportation scroll in the quest.

So you can talk to Thrall, Jaina or Khadgar in Dalaran. They also have the skip, but it isn’t obvious.

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omg - I did it in DF because we had no way of knowing they were going to put the SKIP THERE

OH yeah, though I don’t really classify the special assignments as “weekly quests” and more like weekly events. Strictly quest wise though, it’d be the big weekly, the dungeon weekly, the awakening the machine, and the hallowfall one.

Isn’t easy? I mean, it’s not as easy as dal but main city>bfa zone>silithus

They count for the gear/keys, so I guess blizzard does

How did you even get yourself into that scenario lmao? So you put all ten of your alts there, progressed beyond the initial silithus quest on each of them, finally did the main scenario on a main, and then realized you missed that initial skip?

That’s exactly it.

I did it on a few toons too and parked them in Dalaran waiting for release. That’s where they stayed until someone mentioned that you can talk to Jaina or Thrall, in Dalaran, to access the same skip.

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There is nobody to blame if you chose to not do the shortest campaign in the games history at launch while leveling the first character.

You could finish it by level 75 and wait until the 80 portion.

Thats on you if you sweat grinded dungeons to 80 to start…

Definitely could have been clearer on the skip honestly

Spider quarter master has one for doing stuff in AhjKahet