So no slime kitty for me

It’s an MMO. Why are you playing if you are so opposed to grouping with others players and interacting with others in any kind of content?

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Continue to shill for Blizz, and when they add a timegated system tied to player power in Dragonflight, have fun pissing and moaning about it.

I am the furthest thing from a blizzard shill. You can investigate my post history for that. But that might require clicking one or two things which you have made clear is beyond your capabilities. Have a good one chief, I’m outtie this wild convo

You as well, hope to see you run away again.

Whatever helps you feel like you “won”. You seem to need this so congrats.

Thanks for the fun.

The one pissing and moaning seems to be you. More interested in arguing semantics than having an actual conversation or solving the problem.

And not even 1/11 LFR. You’re just here to be contradictory, like most forum shills.


Tried to solve the problem, but people like you shoot down every single thing people say that might have solved this problem, and gross miscommunication, and instead rather just keep saying just do the raid like that will magically solve the problem for everyone. It doesn’t.

It actually does.

Sure, keep telling yourselves that, honestly the solution here, different color of the slime saber for each difficulty would have been a far better solution. But no, can’t have that now or the raiders won’t feel special if someone else has the same mount but a different color.

No. No o yeah and no.

That’ll show em!!!

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Because there isn’t a problem.

LFR was never getting the mount. People read an achievement that was worded improperly and assumed it was available.


You’re talking in circles. There have been mounts given as rewards throughout the game for every level of play. This particular one isn’t awarded for 1 particular level of play. So what? It happens with a lot of content. There is no issue here other than people wanting to argue about it on the forums.

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plebty of time to do it through normal pugs. youre looking at at least 2 months of full fated raids available

And who’s fault was it that it was worded improperly and left in that state for as long as it was, Blizz, and you gladly defend that poor quality control.

If I could unbind it from my account, package it in old dirty news paper I would give you my trash in this case that mount.

I have the mount but thanks.

I was just saying that saying you (the collective you, not you personally) don’t like the mount doesn’t mean other people don’t and they shouldn’t bother trying to get it.

I think it looks fine.


This can’t be explained enough. Of course people that were better geared will get the mount on the third week, but the season doesn’t end until November. Plenty of time to get it done. I think some posters forget this is an MMORPG where leveling and improving your character is part of what makes it work. If they want everything available when they log in they need to play MOBAs.

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Nobody is asking for this but you made that statement to the right person.