So no slime kitty for me

OP is capable of doing it on norm. I’ve seen people with worse setups downing it on norm with ease.

Convert your gear using the Creation Catalyst, getting 4pc will boost your damage and take a run at it. Also even doing lots of LFR you could have enough Dinars by now to buy an Old Warriors Soul trinket or Jailer Gavel.

At this stage you would have no problems taking on normal.

Well, that has nothing to do with your claim that people on your server does free carries.

He just needs to visit the CC and get 4pc and he is ready to stomp normal at his Ilvl.

That doesn’t have anything to do with my question either.

Horrible idea. Right now it’s a token of participating with other players to get the mount in raiding content. Giving recolors of a mount waters down that achievement. Instead of one slime cat, now there are four running around and the new cool looking mount is meaningless.

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You think the slime cat is a “better” reward?

What’s funny is over the coming weeks, I’m sure more and more of the “real raiders” will piss and moan about bads invading their groups and tell them to stick to LFR. They would be glad to if Blizz hadn’t made yet another bonehead decision. They had such an easy win and could have sent SL out with a decent thank you to everyone who stuck around for this **** show.

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The normal raids are LFR level of difficulty this season. It is incredibly easy to get the mount.

So if they are LFR difficulty then why not let LFR players get them, wouldn’t make any difference in that case.

LFR gets free loot as the reward.

So then normal is, by that logic getting the same free rewards, got it.


Nah because normal requires a bit more organization and the rewards are upgradeable with the dinar system. LFR loot is not.

So then Normal isn’t LFR difficulty and therefore your first statement is false, love you contradicting yourself.


I specifically said “THIS SEASON” not gonna talk to you if you are just gonna be argumentative. Feels like you are just getting off on being pedantic tbh

Same as most of you who defend the this crap by Blizz. You all can be just as pedantic.

Yup, thems the breaks.

Its an mmo, not everyone get access to everything. Some stuff should be worked towards.

And i say this as a casual lfr player.

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Have you even tried to run normal this season? or just complained about it on the forums?

Don’t intend to, I’m not going to give Blizz the pleasure of falling into this crap attempt to boost participation in normal+ raiding. I do however think what they pulled was a very scummy move so will argue about it on principle of if you say something, and leave it on live servers for 3 months and set expectations at a certain level, then you should honor it.


/10 char