So no slime kitty for me

It’s funny how everyone who has it says just do it. Stop being a whiner. Ok so I’m a single parent with kids. I cannot raid in case I’m needed elsewhere in real life aka kids. Do people really care if I ditch a raid in the middle of a boss fight to check on my kids? Will I get booted when I come back. Clearly people with no responsibilities replay utter stupidity.

Just do this. Don’t complain you Karen they say.

I just don’t commit and honestly lfR makes this easier for me. I can do a few bosses at a time and if I have to quit I can try again with out the social penalty of getting blacklisted because of it. Sad people don’t get it.

To those who ask for it in LFR why does this affect normal -mythic raiders. It doesn’t. Just keep your opinion to yourself ( those who say just do normal raids and stop being a Karen) they just want an excuse to ha- gotcha I’m better than you.

It happens. Deal with it or continue crying. Doesn’t matter to me.

It was a bad assumption to think LFR would award a seasonal mount in the first place.

It’s pretty fuggly and doesn’t fly. I don’t think your missing much in the end. I think ppl just want it because it was a new thing. There are tons more better looking mounts that do fly to get.

I work 65-70 hours a week and have a wife/kid. Keep making excuses. LFR and normal have the same time sink.

You can do the same thing in normal.

Then don’t get the mount. The mount is a reward for doing normal raid or higher. Sad people don’t get that.

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This was such a clown move even I laughed, but you failed to ask yourself: How does he come to such a similar conclusion using the same line of thought? Perhaps the point I was actually making has some merit!

I don’t know I like the way it looks. I’m just going to have to find time to gear so I can get into a normal group, and that’s where my issue is.

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People always say how crap LFR is, so brown works. I’ll proudly ride my poop kitty to victory :v:

Calm down. I was being flippant.

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Which is why I found it funny. Particularly since the whole issue arose over you not allowing me to be flippant, if you recall.

I can’t stop you from being anything so I don’t know what you’re talking about.

And no, two people saying the same rude thing doesn’t give it merit. Not sure why you would think that.


Microsoft could turn out to be a corrupted wish.

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I dunno, I could think of a lot of changes that would ruin the game.

I’m sure slimecats and LFR are top priority for MS when they officially own acti-bliz.

i can guarantee you none of us care about who is good or meh in a normal raid.

No matter how bad it gets, it can’t be as bad as it would have gotten if Meta accepted Blizzard’s request to be bought by them.

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I’ll have to Google that. I can’t recall the company Meta.

Meta is what Facebook rebranded to :grimacing:

Oh, yuck.

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Can you ask them to give us playable Ogres please?


Yes, please do. I need an ogre Mage.