So no slime kitty for me

Idk i work quite often and still am able too mytgic raid…
Infact i provably have some of the most time out of my raid group, since alot of people in my group have kids and they still mythic raid aswell.

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Rejecting good advice because the person giving it is rude is always advisable. :joy:

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you have time to get the mount is available until the end of the whole season

Yea…why would I care to listen to anything from someone who can’t give it without talking down to me? Wanting to be treated with basic decency, what a wild concept!

Even funnier considering I said it was good until he felt the need to edit it to a post that was rude and condescending :thinking:

Why care how they say it if they are right?

I’m not advocating for being rude or encouraging it.

How is denying yourself the benefits of good advice punishing him?

I’m happy to take advice, just not going to disrespect myself letting someone be rude to me. That’s really all there is to it.

I hope no one ever disrespectfully gives you life saving advice. :grimacing:

I wish you well :grinning:

For my sake I hope so too :wink:

Pretty much :joy:

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It seems like most of the anti-RF slime kitty people immediately get personal. I’ve been called lazy, an ape, entitled, cry baby, brain dead, stupid, dumb, etc.

I guess “I disagree” just doesn’t have the punch they’re looking for.


Eww it was pretty gross looking enough, but you want brown?

It’s not. My game isn’t affected by that one person who got offended by the advice I tried to give. I’ve reread my post multiple times and fail to see how it was rude. Not sure if it was the “play the game” part or saying he didn’t need to be carried for a normal raid. I’ve given that same advice numerous times on this forum since season 4 started and usually got a thank you or heart. Getting to the right level so that you can be accepted for raids is the biggest challenge and I try and help when I can. But if someone takes offense to that…oh well…No sweat on me. :metal:

legion has 2 LFR’s that gave mounts and still do if you talk to the person in dalaran and Que LFR for them, so u have 4 trys weekly

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But is it a slap in the face?

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Thanks for posting this!

I think everyone should make a post about every seasonal reward they won’t be getting.

because im constanley having to work and miss out on normal raids.

You can PUG normal raids literally all day everyday. There are constantly PUGs out there and the content this season is incredibly easy. Not to mention most pugs have overgeared people in them looking for specific items to upgrade with the dinar system.

It sounds like you gave up without even trying, which doesn’t surprise me because that is usually who is complaining the loudest.



You have months to get it done, and there is no reason you can’t join a raid already in progress to clean up the bosses you still need.

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People on my server are still from time to time giving out free carries for it. Just like free moose mount carries. I gave out free moose mount carries on my warrior leading group while back. See if you can find.

A true carry?

Someone directed me to two “carry” Discords that wanted a minimum 265 ilevel, which I believe was heroic SotFO ilevel before the Fated thing came around.

So I’m curious.