So no slime kitty for me

No, fated is fine in LFR. Just stick to your own difficulty and you’ll never have to worry about it.

Yea I don’t think I’ll be able to get the slime cat. My most geared character isn’t geared enough for normal and I’m not really interested in paying for a carry. It’s whatever honestly.

Normal is faceroll. Do it. Get ur kitty.

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I don’t think you’re missing much. Slime cat looks hideous.

Sigh…There is no reason to be carried for a normal raid.LFR drops 265 gear. Do your runs then turn them into tier sets in ZM. Do low mythics or PVP and Ilevel up your character. This toon was a 230 when the season started and was 265 in one week just from PVP. It is now a 280 and has cleared two normal raids. Play the game.

Yeah we’ve never had a mount you couldn’t get in LFR before. Nope. Never. Especially not last season.

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That’s not true.

In Legion could could get a snake and charhound.

In BFA you could get GMOD.

In SL you could get an undead horse.

These are just drops though.

I’m so proud of myself for getting this mount, apparently this slime cat is extremely rare. LETS GOO :heart_eyes_cat:

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Yikes your advice was actually decent until you edited it to be rude and condescending. Absolutely no desire to read anything you post now. Shoo

Don’t tell me how to live my life.

You’re not my real dad.


You forgot to add he’s not your real dad :stuck_out_tongue:

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Arthur! Get out of the tank!

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You could PUG it like I did. Got it in about 6 hours total

You have a few months left. If you can waste time in queue for LFR then you can run Normal. You’ll probably clear Normal faster than LFR anyway.

When you can play, make your own group. Kill the bosses you can kill, each day or week, and roll the lockout if you need too. Keep remaking groups at your leisure, with your lockout, and kill the bosses you have left.

Or, just join groups killing bosses you have left.

Normal Fated is a joke right now.


Fine. Be miserable and blame the game. Have a nice day.

Nope, sorry. Never blamed the game at any point. You’re just attributing and being needlessly rude. Your post was fine until you decided to edit it to be rude.

If you can’t interact with people without feeling the need to attack them then you have nothing to say worth reading. Not that groundbreaking of a concept.

Not sure how showing my character as an example of leveling is being rude or an attack…but whatever. My mistake for offering advice and attempting to help someone play the game. It wont be repeated. Have a nice day.

100% incorrect. Tons of “casuals” got it. Also, you do realize there are a lot of “casuals” who also do heroic/mythic raiding too along with m+15 and higher?

So please stop throwing the term “casual” around to meet your agenda.

MMOs probably aren’t for you then because it takes very little time to clear normal mode raids and since you make it sound like you can only play 30 mins a week then this genre is definitely not for you.


Look at the bright side. The slime cat is crapola. It looks horrible.


And what exactly are you not “able” to do?

Also another one of these threads, zzzz