So no slime kitty for me

i think its more blizzard first said it be LFR and then changed it, but its blizzard they never keep there word, Look at the heritage armor post they totally forgot about those.

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The mount is awfully designed and most races look ridiculous mounting it. My blood elf looks like he’s sitting on an imaginary elephant while on it.

The only reason people want it is because it’s a reward, and given we’re in a season with fewer rewards in general to obtain, the kitty is one of the few things to try to obtain.

If they give it away just for logging in (which is the same as giving it in LFR), then its only value is lost.

False. If they give it away for logging in, I will get it. If they give it away for doing LFR, I will not get it.

It is not the same thing. It is not close to the same thing.

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“Hey Ion, you know what would make us more money?”
“Giving people even fewer reasons to play!”


Literally not what happened.

LFR wasn’t going to be fated. They added it late then adjusted the wording on the achievement.

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The amount of effort is the same. You just need to click a button and stare at your screen for a while. You can opt-out of LFR and not get it, but that’s just not wanting to obtain it.

I’d love to actually see someone get something out of LFR by just “clicking a button and staring at their screen.” :roll_eyes:


I mean, that’s under the assumption they give it to LFR, which isn’t the case, so it can’t happen right now.

But if they did, that’s how much effort you need to do in LFR. The few times I’ve done LFR, half the raid is AFK and the bosses still die.

That’s not far off from what happens in LFR. a few actual raiders carry while most others auto attack. Most people don’t even try to do mechanics, they just attack and hope for the best.

Worst case? Determination to the rescue.

That is a load of crap.

I’ve never done LFR with “half the raid AFK”

Stop making crap up.


False again. I don’t do LFR because it is FAR too much effort for me.

I am as far removed from running LFR as you are from running for president.

LFR is not even in the realm of possibility for me. Even if I wanted the mount, I wouldn’t run LFR to get it, because it’s too much to deal with.

I get that you want to be right, but in this case, you just aren’t. It might be the same to you because you just see LFR as an easy mode. But you need to keep in mind that millions of people play this game, and for some of us, even LFR is way too much.

We simply can’t handle it, and some of us will never be able to.

That doesn’t mean you should give us a slime cat. That isn’t what I’m saying.

What I’m saying is, despite your perception of things, doing LFR is a valid accomplishment. It is a benchmark that most people can reach, but not everybody.

As such, it may be less prestigious than higher difficulty raiding - but it’s not nothing, and all participation rewards should be extended to that mode as well.

It’s not crap. Check Details after a LFR boss kill. Maybe “half the raid” isn’t true in all cases (in some cases it is), but you’ll definitely see people doing 0 damage or healing, or just autoattacks, in most fights.

Blizzard is literally forcing players to play Normal, Heroic and Mythic mode. Obvious cause you can’t get a mount in LFR.

actually there are atleast 2 that i know of Legion LFR’s that drop mounts so you get 4 chanes LFR,Normal,Heroic.Mythic

I don’t understand this mentality. Since when is doing higher content and getting better rewards bad?

It is how games work. If this doesn’t work for you maybe try a different game that gives you a sandbox mode or something.

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Encouraging is the right word, not forcing.

If they made it so you lose your character, or they hard block you from doing other activities in wow until you get your mount, that would be forcing. What they’re doing is encouraging people to try raiding.

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I’d like one person to ever post proof of the half the raid is AFK claim. I see it a lot on GD. Never in actual LFR.


Just a way of saying “playing poorly” really. Not doing mechanics, low dps, dying easily.

Yep. They should have just left fated out of LFR. Most players who only do LFR dont want anything difficult to begin with.

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Well from what I’ve seen on the forums, the ones that hate LFR have admitted to doing that themselves here. They say they always tab out. Maybe it’d be a more enjoyable experience for them if they actually did something and didn’t look down on LFR.