So no slime kitty for me

That just doesn’t qualify as a “lie” to me. I dont see malicious intent in the original statement. Which is well, required.

I see a change in an achievement that wasn’t even implemented yet.

blah blah disclaimer I have to continuously feel like I need to type, not because of you personally but because someone will pop in and misquote me. I don’t feel it should have been changed, or at least should have had color variations.

Which is, not a lie. I feel like I am gonna come across as pedantic. But I do feel like calling something a lie is sorta a big deal vs changing their minds.

Baffles my gnomish brain why people would defend a big corps bad, shady and poorly (meaning not at all) communicated change they made hours before release.

Arguing whether mounts should be in LFR is fine but if they did stuff up, instead of doing what was right and letting it be this time they changed it literally hours before the raids went live. This was not PTR but live data.

I also find it curious that for months when people thought it was going to be for ANY difficulty there was not one person that complained about it being in LFR? So y’all being tough about it now just be trolling.

Go drink some soda.



That’s fair.

I just have a cynical brain when it comes to the slime cat and I have some tinfoil hat theories on why they left it the way it was until the last minute.

But you’re right, changing your mind doesn’t necessarily mean they were lying.

P.s. However, I’m not changing my mind that the way they handled it was scummy.

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I just use a form of the statement " never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity"

I just figured it was a combination of being slow to change the text (something I know happens all the time) and being dense about the outcome of the situation. Rather than outright malicious.

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… and?

This is false.

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So it being “bait and switch” seems to be irrelevant in this conversation. Which makes me wonder why every single other raid oriented mount is not complained about.

Second, please show me malicious intent in the original achievement statement.

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Only because you’re making it up and concocting a stance no one is claiming.

“To get reward you do x” was Live for months until they stealth changed it at the last minute.

In no way comparable to numbers on ability doing their roller coaster as they do.

As repayment, I’d like Blizz to offer us plebians in the LFR…a dragon truck!

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean::dragon: :ocean:


Because none of those were bait and switched at the last minute, I have no idea what you’re doing with the self imposed goal posts shuffling that I’m responding to, but you’re acting like people are upset about achievement mounts when we’re not, we’re upset about the bait and switch. Rated mounts? AOTC? We all know how to unlock those from the moment they’re showcased, they weren’t changed last minute.

If the achievement for slime kitty was changed months ago back on the PTR when it was first brought to light the arguments about it would be nonexistent. I certainly wouldn’t be posted about it.

That’s a requirement of your own making, you don’t get to decide what a lie.

They lied because they’re evil, or they lied because they’re incompetent, either or is irrelevant, there was deception, whether it was planned or they truly did not know about this major screw up, the deception was there.


Me either. For me this is 100% about Blizzard being scummy.


I would not worry about that slime cat. Its quite unattractive in my opinion. There are much better mounts you can farm :smiley:

Ok the argument of “the cat is ugly anyways” is not an argument.

One person’s trash is another person’s treasure.


Nah I’m in the same boat but don’t care, the slime cat looks like trash imo so I’m not worried missing it as I’m not a mount collector but I would’ve been mad about missing it if it looked like the cute round slime kitty pet we got but mount sized.

This, 100% this.

Raid mounts for mythic or those rewarded via quests when completing the final boss of a raid on heroic or higher? When they get added there’s no complaining because LFR and Normal players know those mounts are not for them. It’s not a secret, Blizzard never does anything shady with them. It’s fairly cut and dry.

Had Blizzard set up the Slime Cat achievements properly (at least in their eyes) and had they said “Complete the Fated Raids on Normal or higher” like every other achievement that requires normal or higher difficulty to complete, then no one would be giving a toss, aside from maybe a few players like myself who are tired of LFR players being given the shaft over and over again.

But they didn’t set it up ‘properly’ instead they added those achievements with text that clearly stated “Complete the Fated raids on any difficulty.” and left it that way for months. Thus setting the bait and getting the very casual LFR players to resub, only to then switch out the reward (or in this case completely remove the reward) denying LFR players the mount.

Normally when someone comes onto these forums and rants about Blizzard using a bait and switch it’s an extreme reach and often doesn’t apply, but in this case it absolutely does.


It actually may as well be ending that soon. I expect that after this rotation, the groups running are going to massively dry up and the few remaining ones are going to be the bottom of the barrel types who fall apart very early. Everyone who was even remotely trying will have their 3 season coins and would have sucked it up and ran/pugged normal to get the cat.

Honestly besides just letting it be gained in LFR, Blizzard should just let all 3 raids be Fated and let groups turn it off if they want.

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your not missing much, have you seen it in the game? its actually not that good looking.

Not everyone. I don’t win because I don’t even do LFR.

But that’s okay. I don’t want a slime cat anyway, and I support your suggestion.

Not everyone has 14 hours to pug normal. /s

Its not like there isnt constant groups running for it all day every day. Pug 5 bosses a day and have it done in a weekend.

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This topic again?

Yes. This topic and the soar nerf will keep popping up until DF drops.

Count on it.

Blizzard is wrong and the community is going to make sure they voice that as often and as loudly as they can.

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