So no slime kitty for me

yo wasn’t slimecat actually not “lied about” blizz just made a mistake in the wording and everyone took it as “they lied”

Consider it as a blessing as its ugly , It also does not fly and I still have not seen one person use it in game , May be because it does not fly :rofl:

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the forums make me feel like slime cat is one of the most rare mounts in the game, i’m so proud of myself :heart_eyes_cat:

If you push the achievement to live and don’t correct it when it was brought up in the months it was on the PTR or when it got moved to live and then only ninja fix it a few hours before the season goes live, that’s filed under lie.


We can make them proud of anything just by hating on it . Good to know :rofl:

I still see it as Blizzard spitting on players who like to raid through LFR.


I agree, they definitely lied. A typo would have been the achievement saying “Available from mormal or higher.” How do you “mistakingly” type this?

Then clarify what all difficulties mean on your own website:

Somebody originally wanted this cat to be an overall season 4 reward then changed their mind but didn’t update the achievement, even when it came off the PTR and went live.

And another thing that kind of tips you off they lied is the way they fixed it. Something like 14 hours before Fated raids were turned on, they sneaked into live (because they didn’t even bring the servers down) and fixed the achievement without making an announcement until after the patch on Tuesday.

It’s shady and unethical the way they handled it. It would have not been a big deal if they clarified 4 months ago when this was first talked about that the achievement was a mistake and fixed it before it went live. The way this situation was handled just shows they really aren’t working on communication with the community.


yo demonbolt got nerfed by 40% on ptr and the day before it was gonna come out it got nerfed by 80% instead, am i allowed to be upset bc blizz lied


Give it up, its like beating a dead cow long after it is dead it has nothing left to give you, no meat, no milk, no moos for your sick enjoyment.

The topic is the same way it has been beaten beyond death, You won’t get it, LFR’s will never see it, the game is meant to have some level of challenge/reward. Take a weekend or an hour, or two join a pug clear what you can repeat: you have about 4 months to do it.

ALSO as other said have you seen it in game? It is the most horrid looking mount of ALL time unless blizzard does some SERIOUS work to this mount you are not missing much at all.


You warlock spell isn’t an achievement.

what’s the difference between what i just said and what yall are saying.

Ptr nerf 40% of ‘x’ spell → day before implementation increased to 80%

Do i call blizzard liars?

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No because it never made it to live.

I believe, the proper testing was done and Blizzard realized “Wow our playerbase is better than we thought for LFR! We can totally just put it in normal +!” Yall are too good, yall did this

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Thats cool. The “bait and switch” was never once mentioned by the OP.

Second. You were never lied to. Period.

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This makes no sense. They didn’t change it for the weeks it was on the PTR and they didn’t change it for weeks when the achievement was in live.


But this carries an implication if anything ever changes, Blizzard lied.

Doesn’t it?

If my spells become nerfed, was I lied to because I was previously operating under the view point of a spell doing X damage? Being an achievement is irrelevant.

I don’t care if it woulda been added to LFR or not. I am just looking at the basics of what happened. I just dont see it as a “lie” when the mount was never live to begin with. Or the ability to get the achievement.


I don’t want to compare talents and abilities to a reward. This was tied to an achievement.

Spells and abilities are changed all the time for game balance and that’s understandable. But this was just a reward, cosmetic reward, so it got people’s hopes up. There was no legitimate reason to change it.

By legitimate I mean gaming balancing or breaking.


I just think it becomes fuzzy when deciding if something was or was not a “lie” based on what the change for something (that was not even implemented yet) is (a spell, a reward, etc). When the process/time/etc of the change could be exactly the same.

It feels like a huge grey area that allows someone to change the definition of a “lie” to subjective reasoning. Based around “do i like this change or not”.


ya i mean all trolling aside this is pretty much it. like if some ability got nerfed in ptr and then nerfed harder before being pushed out into live servers.

can’t be disappointed if u dont pay attention to ptr 4head

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The way I look at it is there’s nothing to be tested here.

It’s a complete different situation where a spell says [x] on the PTR then maybe it makes it into live and after seeing how it performs you change it for game balancing reasons.

This was just a reward. There was nothing to be tested. You either get the mount or you don’t and the way the achievement was worded until 14 hours before the Faded switch was turned on it said “all difficulties.”

That’s not a typo, that’s just flat out someone changed their mind.