So no slime kitty for me

Right? I noticed that too, why is it so small lol I feel like my swift Zulian Panther is larger than that glob of goo.


This is why subs don’t ever stop declining.


This was an issue with the Kyrian cat mounts when the xpac first came out, too. Report it and they should fix it

There are guilds out there that would let you tag along.

Mine would.


its not a big loss that thing looks horrible anyway.

There are communities for this as well.

OP just wants someone to blame for their lack of personal time.


I know it and rather than just coming out and accusing them I give them solutions.

When they poo poo those I know they’re not really sincere.


I’d take a brown slime kitteh
 Embrace the lower depths!

I just wish they’d fix my legs on slime kitty :frowning:


What’s stopping you from finding an LFG normal run on the days you aren’t working


Go join a normal mode raid, it’s not even that hard and you don’t need to clear it in one sitting.

the short answer is nothing, but i’m sure they’ll find some reason why.

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Why werent there these posts flooding the forum every tier for basically
When a mount was behind non LFR raiding?

This isn’t new.

Its just a trendy topic to bait with.


This definitely deserved another thread. I especially appreciated the part wherein you say you can’t raid cause you have to work. It added a nice touch to it and made me feel bad cause I work full time too. Darn.

What a tough life not getting a mount due to having to be employed.


I think most the people who have the mount probably have a full time job, lol.


Oh, I know 
 I was attempting at being empathetic to the plight of the OP.

I mean 
 they had enough time to make this thread. Lord forbid they spend the time actually trying to get into a raid for the mount.

I’m sure if it meant a lot to them they’d put forth the effort, but alas.

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Everyone is able to normal raid.

Claiming not to be able to is laziness, frankly.

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it’s half the size of other cat/tiger mounts. blizzard has done this a lot lately where some mounts are just either to big or to small

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It’s easy to do Normal raids. You have more than 2 months to get it, so take your time. People eventually will gear up overtime and speedrun the whole raid xD.
But the mount is ugly tho
not worth imo.

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Because those mounts were never lied about how you could obtain them, unlike slime kitty.

The bait and switch lying is very much new.