So no slime kitty for me

Dude the slime kitty has weird leg placements

Just get mr jigles from necrolord quartermaster its way cutier

also the mount doesn’t fly wtf ur literally never going to use it so dont feel bad if u dont get it honestly

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Right? Thank you

My main complaint is the transmog are not good in this game

there’s other games like cod i dont need to keep torturing myself

Yeah definitely the appropriate response to call someone stupid and goldfish brained when I simply ask why they want others to achieve things for them.

You start a group and no kicking any one out of it and I join if niot some of us can’t do regular raids

Yes, you may not realize it but you’re being quite rude so rude responses are expected.

This also is antagonizing and won’t win you any charmer of the year awards :laughing:


Unsure what’s so antagonizing about demanding others do your work for you, while also proclaiming you dont know/care to know the mechanics of a normal mode raid?

If you can’t put some minor effort into normal raiding then you don’t deserve the mount.

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I never asked to be carried, I explained that to you multiple times, and you’re repeating it again which means yeah you were being insulting first.

This is also false. You know what you were doing so don’t cry when I give it back.

Feel free to go back and read, you said in the OP you weren’t interested in raid leading, didn’t know the fights and didn’t want to learn them. You were upset about the wording of the achievement being changed. This to a degree, I can actually agree with. Different than you wanting to waltz into a normal without knowing mechanics. Feel free to read/link your OP. Or keep clowning yourself, up to you.



When did I say they’re mutually exclusive? Just repeating what you said. I kept asking how, if you didn’t want to learn the fights, you expected the bosses to go down without being carried. You never gave me an answer and instead called me stupid. Keep clowning.

See you’re lying again and this is why I got down to your level.

I specifically remember telling you that me not wanting to lead a raid didn’t mean I wasn’t going to learn what my role is.

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But in your OP you said that you weren’t set up for leading, which is fine but has nothing to do with knowing the mechanics. At a point I must ask what exactly you’re arguing for here if its not for blizzard to be more consistent with their communication, what is it?


Thanks for reminding me whey I started insulting you. I regret nothing.

So you’re being a clown and copping out again instead of answering a simple question. Keep copping out. It only makes you look worse, not me. Keep insulting me. I don’t care.

Option A: You’re trolling
Option B: You’re telling the truth and probably get in fights often :laughing:

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Option C: You didn’t read the OP I’m referring to and are ok with someone insulting another when they feel backed into a corner.

I just don’t think you realize what constitutes insulting lol.

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I dunno, could it be calling someone stupid? Because I didn’t do that, they did. All I did was ask how they wanted to do a raid without learning the mechanics, but also not be carried.

I answered the question 26 days ago but you are still refusing to read it.

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