Cat mount not being in LFR is good

How is it a stupid question? If you don’t know the fights, how are you supposed to kill the boss?

I like how this still doesn’t address the point either of us are making and instead you’re just resorting to putting yourself on some sort of intellectual pedestal

Ok, why is it a stupid question? What’s your argument here? If you don’t know the fights, don’t want to learn the fights, the mount requires a boss to die, how do you want to get the mount?

If you had a real point here beyond just tapdancing around mine, you would have made it already. Instead you’re just calling me or my questions stupid.

Because the point you two are making doesn’t exist

You are interrogating a phantom of a point because neiuther of you can read

I’m not putting myself on a pedistal,. I’m having to get out the teacher voice because clearly someone has to explain reading comp.

Ok, let’s pretend I’m not making a point. I just want to know, how does this person with no knowledge or desire to learn the fights, want to get a mount that requires the defeat of a raid boss?

I’m mad that the achievement says “any difficulty” then they wait until a few days before this event starts to tell us it’s not actually any difficulty.

I’m also mad that since they decided to do this bone-headed thing that I’m at the mercy of pugs that’s probably going to require ridiculous requirements to get into their raids.

I’m also mad that I was looking forward to LFR being alive after being dead for so many months because people would be trying to get the slime cat.

Yeah one has nothing to do with the other, genius. I don’t want to lead raids because I’m not set up for it. I don’t know the fights so I wouldn’t be an experienced leader. I don’t want that pressure of figuring out what everyone is supposed to do, not just what a Hunter is supposed to do.

I never said I wasn’t going to look up my role. I never said I wasn’t going to try. I also never said I expected to be carried. That’s just something you made up in your tiny, angry brain.

Hey you’re ignoring the question we asked. If you don’t know the fights, how does the boss die?

Get over it.

Okay so you don’t actually have an argument to give me and resort to “get over it”.

Now tell me why I should take anything you say seriously.

And this right here is clown behavior. You don’t have an argument, you just typed up that whole paragraph to try to distance yourself from your original post stating that you don’t know the fights, but want the bosses to die anyway because you want the mount. If you wanted to make it clear you were willing to learn, why not say that originally? Why are you so defensive?

I explained myself as much as I’m going to 4 posts up.

No because I really don’t care if you take me seriously. Matter of fact, do me a favor and put me on ignore.

Question? Are you that Forsaken from the “People of the Horde!” Machinima?

If you have an argument to give, why won’t you answer my question?

Okay, but why should anybody else that isn’t me take you seriously, if you can’t even stand against criticism without resorting to cop outs?

So you come at me in an extremely rude way then say “huurrr duurr why so defensive?”

Like I said, tiny, angry brain.

What is so rude about me asking how you expect a boss to die without having any knowledge of the fight? The only one angry here, is you.

You absoltely have to be trying to be missing the point at this stage.

Do I have to get out the shiny markers?

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You’re right, this was so polite:

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In your own words, “get over it”.

Hey you’re still ignoring what I said so I will just mention it again

LOL god you’re so bad at this.

I am over it, I was answering the question you asked me. You do remember asking why so defensive, right? Or did your mind get overloaded and got pushed out already?

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