So no slime kitty for me

That’s a requirement of your own making.

It was a Live achievement in-game.

I honestly don’t know what you’re trying to achieve by making everyone think you’re delusional for weeks by arguing this, the achievement made its way from PtR to Live and was that way for months.

No amount of your own homebrew rules or goalpost shifting is gonna change that, and you’re not gonna wear me down on it either.

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You’re the one making things up in your tantrum.

It wasn’t. Literally stop lying. A fated raid achievement is not active before the fated raid patch was launched.

You’re the one being delusional and not understanding what an inactive achievement is even if it’s on live.

I don’t care to wear you down. Your tantrums crying about this mount is very entertaining. Especially when you keep lying and not understanding basic things.

LFR doesn’t have slime cat
LFR isn’t getting slimecat
LFR was never getting the slimecat

Your very weak argument isn’t an official statement and taking the wording of an achievement that’s part of a patch that isn’t live yet is a joke.


It wasn’t on a live server at any point.

The achievement did go live. It was worded that way for weeks.


It was still inactive.

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No that has wholly been you.

People in live, who were not on the PtR, could pull the achievement up in the achievement panel and read it. To declare otherwise is lying.

The achievement was in live. Get over it.

Everything must be a tantrum to you since the bar seems to be “anyone who disagrees with me even the slightest is throwing a tantrum.”

No, that’s you.

It was, and you’re lying.


Can we cut the chase and you just declare the next 5 goalposts and house rules you’re gonna pull out of nowhere like they matter cause you keep rambling them on and on?

You are a very boring troll.

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False. The only people that are agreeing with you are also delusional.

It’s still an inactive achievement. You couldn’t earn that achievement because rated raids weren’t in the game. That makes them an INACTIVE achievement.

Not true. I disagree with people all the time and still have civil conversations. They just don’t act like children because they aren’t getting their way.

I’m not lying about anything.

Sorry you can’t handle facts or comprehend what a non active achievement with no official announcement.

PS. I am still waiting for you to link a blue post stating that LFR was awarding the slimecat.

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Okay silly person.


It was an achievement that went from PtR to Live in-game and was there for months.

And again, you’re declaring everyone children and throwing tantrums just because we disagree with you. Now anything I’ve done falls under a tantrum to you aside from the fact of not agreeing with you just cause is beyond me.

You’re lying about quite a few things.

You lie, make things up, ignore facts, and make up your own goalposts and house rules about how the game and human interactions are supposed to function.

The achievement which was Live for months said you could get it on any difficulty. A Blue post not saying so is kinda irrelevant to the fact that the achievement existed and existed in that state for months.

Or does every achievement cease to exist if a blue post doesn’t personally announce it.

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Such a compelling argument.

You’re not understanding that they made a mistake on that achievement wording. Even then it’s still subject to change based on the TOS.

Actually only stated you were throwing the tantrum.

You’re acting like an angry toddler stomping your feet because you’re under the impression the wording on an achievement makes it an official statement when it doesn’t.


You’re the one ignoring facts.

Fact one: is slimecat in LFR?

The achievement isn’t an official statement from Blizz. Sorry you can’t understand that.

As compelling as your lies and delusions.

That they left for months even after it was pointed out to them, then ninja changed a few hours before the season went live.

All I’ve done is disagree with you so just blaisely calling people children and throwing a tantrum just to discredit them and get a rise out of them isn’t working out for ya.

And you’re delusional and think you’re a game master with hostage players that can change the rules of reality on a whim.

“It’s not my definition of official with all these check marks checked!” No one cares about your made up requirements and trying to change Language.

An “official statement” is something you made up for the convo that you can filter as you need for your argument to declare others wrong.

The achievement was actually in the live game where players could see it. That’s official.

Projecting again.

It was removed from LFR which you are ignoring to make yourself look grounded and moral, when all you’re accomplishing is rather silly and sad.


This is your best take yet, I legitimately laughed that you were able to write this XD

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OK, but give me the M+ mount at 1000 rating so I don’t have to put any effort into keys.

Lol you say I’m the one that’s delusional

Then yea something like

LOl I have never claimed to be a GM.

Even if they knew about it it doesn’t matter. Things get changed or fixed last minute all the time.

You have attitude since the first post which is why I say you’re acting like a child. Not my fault you’re hostile over a mount not being in LFR.

That’s not an official statement. The blue post confirming LFR was not getting the slimecat mount reward is an official statement.

That means you can’t lie about blizzard making an official statement about LFR and slimecat just like Tovi tried to claim blizzard advertised the mount being from LFR when they actually didn’t.

Reading an achievement isn’t an official statement.


Wrong. It can’t be removed when it never had it :+1:

Your tantrums and needing to try and insult me are entertaining.

End of the day I’ll have the slimecat mount :+1:

I forgot the mods in-game are called GM, I was using the tabletop term, since your reliance on house rules.

It absolutely matters.

“I don’t like your tone boy, you better show me the respect I deserve” lol okay a bit hyperbole but that’s what you sound like, this is getting sillier.

It is.

Never claimed it wasn’t, but an off the cuff response in a random thread with no further elaboration and an actual achievement in the game live are two very different things.

They needed something more official than a random post from a mod in a random thread, I’ve never claimed the post doesn’t exist or that mods aren’t official. But there’s official blog announcements and the like, stuff in game, and random posts on the forums, very different things.

The same cannot be claimed by you.

They did advertise it.

It’s hilarious you can say this and think you have any semblance of soundness going on, the live game we pay for isn’t official?

If that was true there would have been nothing to hotfix or change, they hotfixed the text of the achievement hours before the season went live.

Ergo you’re lying.

You keep using that word, you really need to read a dictionary.

Good for you.

Lol more goalpost movement. I haven’t changed any stance or argument since we started.

To you maybe. In reality no it doesn’t because it was fixed before the fated raid patch went live.

Don’t like it then don’t dish it out.

It’s not no matter how many times you say it. It’s not official until the patch goes live.

Yes. The blue post is what matters. Not an edited achievement.

You’re entire point is invalid without an official statement.

They didn’t. Look up what an advertisement actually is and then show me where Blizz did that. The achievement is not advertisement.

The achievement wasn’t active on live.

Not active

Even if it was Blizzard has the right to change anything in game at any time and you agree to it.

It never had it because it was the wording on the achievement that was changed. There never was any coding to give true slimecat for completing LFR.

The irony.

Major projecting.

This is a lie.

Ignoring that the achievement was live for months before that and nothing was done.

… I’m not the one tone policing or demanding respect? You on the hand are lying and demonizing anyone who disagrees with you.

“Official game content and in-game content is not official” is what you’re trying to say and it’s not working. The achievement wasn’t changed on the PTR, it was live. That’s official. That they can change it after doesn’t make it not official.

We are keenly aware of when it was changed, that it was changed, and that they waited months to change it.

Your house rule on when something is “official” is irrelevant. You’re the arbiter of nothing.

The in-game achievement that wasn’t changed for months.

I don’t care what narrow made Up definition you’re demanding for “advertisement”.

The achievement said any difficulty would be rewarded with the slime saber, people who don’t normally raid saw that and believed for months that they could do it on LFR.

Me being able to look it up in the achievement journal disagrees with you.

They could also delete monks and death knights from the game and make everyone play mechagnomes. And? This rebuttal is meaningless.

An assumption on your part.

I’m not the one lying, projecting, and playing with house rules.

Me asking why you want to be carried doesn’t demand that insulting reaction, it’s you getting defensive :slight_smile:

Hopefully in this world the lesser difficult slime cats are awarded for doing the higher difficulties as well as their own mount. Ain’t nobody trying to run FOUR different difficulties for THREE different raids

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That’s insulting, so an insulting response is appropriate :person_shrugging: