So no slime kitty for me

It is a lie since you and others outright refuse to prove any evidence that LFR was not supposed to be Fated.

It’s just a mount

I’m gonna assume this is bait since the take is just that bad.

You are asking to much for blizz to have a “everybody wins” mentality. If someone isnt losing out then they dont care.

I bet a normal PuG would take as much time, if not less, than your average LFR run. You know what’s even better? You don’t even have to worry about your ilvl if you start your own

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I like that rewrite of history where you started off personally attacking me and when I got tired of it, dished it back out.

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Actually it is considering there wasn’t an official announcement by Blizz stating it would be in LFR. The only official statement confirmed it wasn’t.

You’re wrong again there champ.

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That cat is glorious.


Yeah I really like it. I think it’s going to be either my HMT DK’s ground mount or my Forsaken Hunter’s.


I usually only play Undead, so I really like how it looks on them.


Unfortunately this is correct. The slime cat is completely borked thanks to the bugged splayed leg position and that for some incredibly stupid reason, they made it about 20% smaller than a normal sabre mount resulting in larger races looking just plain stupid when riding it.

You live in a weird reality where the achievement actually in the live game that anyone and everyone can read isn’t “official”.


I would have loved it for my Unholy DKs

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It’s not an official statement or blue post.

You’re the delusional one thinking the wording of an achievement that’s basically still in ptr as an official statement.

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It was in the game.

It wasn’t, it was in Live.

Your trolling is sad.

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cries If I can’t have it, the rules and requirements should be changed so I can have it.

You still have time to get it.

You do not need to kill all of the bosses at once.

While I hate that they removed it from LFR/Fixed the tooltip it is entirely possible to pug normal a few bosses at a time till you get it.

For anyone who would like to argue that you don’t have the time to do this:
LFR queues can take upwards of 30 minutes for DPS, and then the instance itself can take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour. In that time you can find a raid group in the group tool and kill 2 or 3 bosses.

Hey all, Saltykeg here on an alt. I hit level 60 on this character on Tuesday evening. Yesterday (Wednesday) I geared this character over the course of 2 hours with LFR. Once I had a decent ilvl (-250) I queued for Fated Normal Nathria in LFG.

I got in to a group in under 5 minutes and that group cleared the entire raid in under an hour and a half. One shot every boss.

So in matter of less than 5 hours total at level 60 I was able to gear and clear the current fated raid on normal.

Gearing and normal raid has never been easier to do. I am 100% convinced people in this thread complaining about this “issue” simply do not want to play the game.


It wasn’t an active achievement which means it’s still subject to change.

Still no official announcement.

What part of an inactive achievement being on live that’s part of the fate doatxh are you not comprehending?

Actually the rules and requirements changing is the point of contention.

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