So no slime kitty for me

I am convinced these people just don’t want to put in any effort at all and expect stuff to just be handed to them 24/7.

Truly wild behavior.

Except you are reliant on a group being on that particular boss and are willing to invite you, or building your own group. The actual content is pretty inconsequential. It’s the organizational and social issues that are the barrier.

Quite possible. Equally possible that they are in a stage of their life wherein they cannot guarantee their free time, even when they have it, as limited as it is. Diapers do not wait for a DBM break timer.


Yeah, it’s very reasonable and accessible. They aren’t requiring three full mythic clears, high rating or anything that somebody can’t pick up the game and work on immediately, or with limited time.

In that case, why oppose its inclusion in LFR when its an inconsequential mount that was arbitrarily assigned to this as a reward and only amounts to a participation trophy?


You haven’t been to any schools lately have you?

Why is the gladiator mount locked behind PVP rating. Blizzard I dont have time to commit to grinding arena rating. I have a life. And unlike these no life nerds who can play all day I can only do battlegrounds. I should get the gladiator mount for doing a battleground. Anyone who disagrees is a blizzard shill and you all just hate adults with jobs.


See how ridiculous that sounds?

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Oh, dear.

Joking aside the gladiator rework in BFA was really great for people with a limited amount of time to play because it’s just 50 wins above 2400 now instead of top 0.5%

don’t forget the one for just logging in.

The slime cat is still available through season 4. Normal raiding, especially this season, is very easy, just sign up for a group and get carried through the flood of random players steamrolling the content. Play a warlock if you can, it’s a guaranteed ticket into a raid for the summon alone.

Spit, slap doesn’t matter they suck.

Sure, if i have a spare

Checks community discords


I doubt you work SO MUCH that you can’t possibly do normal raids. A lot of people work. You’re just the kind of person who makes excuses for why they can’t get something done.

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There are groups doing it for free, but sure, let’s push the narrative that you have to pay for it. rolls eyes.


Almost as personal as you calling me a goldfish IQ stupid person for asking you about your motivations for making a post about the slimecat huh

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WoW is apparently not a game for everyone anymore and is apparently only for elitist jerks.

Cause that for sure won’t keep WoW irrelevant right guys? Right Blizzard?


Okay, let’s be fair. You totally can do it, you just don’t want to.

This is a lie.

It’s not an assumption to read the literal text in-game.

Yes because you’re literally whining over something that was and has always been clearly stated how to get, they didn’t change it at the last second quietly and hope no one noticed. People are raging over being lied to, not demanding stuff for free “Hur dur LFR isn’t raiding and Normal is easy as LFR ignore my contradiction so I can limply flex my elitism.”

In other words, your analogy fails out the gate.

That just says you don’t actually want the mount enough to try and work around your schedule. I’ve had people post complicated work schedules and found an aotc guild for them to look at in under 20 minutes before.

Except it’s not. No matter how much you want your narrative to fit, it doesn’t.

ya’ll can swing on over here:

And see what we can get going together.

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