So no slime kitty for me

You are not unique in this area. Majority of people I raid with are married or have kids. If something comes up we either take a break or don’t pull the boss until the player comes back. I’ve waited in raid groups so that a player could feed his cat or tend to his grandparent. And of course we all at some point have to use the bathroom. No one is saying “Sit there for four hours and DON’T MOVE!”

We get it. I don’t have time for ranked PVP or M+ dungeons. That means I don’t get access to those mounts. No big deal.

This is a forum and we have the same right to voice our opinion as you do. Deal with it.

Ehhhhh I’ll settle for giving y’all Vrykul


^^ This. Ogres are pure Horde.

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I’d say there is plenty of low stress social stuff in the game. “Low stress” is a relative term of course.

for someone who barely have time for wow, you sure complain very loudly for something so trivial.

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Normal raid, low keys, battlegrounds,

I’m guessing you think these aren’t social or are high stress.

Relative terms mean different things to different folks.

Did some arenas around 1500 mmr with a buddy on discord. No stress, plenty social.

Exactly social, low stress content already exists. :grinning:

LOL yeah I don’t view raiding, mythics and pvp low stress :rofl:

You could craft Shadowmorne or go after the Insane title. Both can take weeks so it’s tedious but not hard.


Others do, so being more specific is recommended. Or one could assume everyone should have the same definition and of course it’s yours.

I literally said “I don’t view” which is the same thing as saying “my opinion” which is not the same thing as saying “this is fact.”

:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


Great news, I didn’t say you did.


You’re making zero sense. Saying that everyone should have the same definition of “less stress” and it should be mine is implying what I’m saying is fact so yeah, in a way, you did.


Anyways, I wish they would do a player housing system. That would keep all types of players busy. I haven’t logged into WoW in a week because I’ve been grinding reps in SWTOR to unlock decorations.


The game hasn’t been raid or die since before BFA.

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Just saying low stress differs between different folks. Makes sense to ask for specific things.

My bad if I’m failing at communicating that. :grinning:

I was mad at first. But then I saw one. If it looked like JellyCat, Id still be mad. But current design, I might ride it for a day or 2. But then back to my normals

The thing is the complaining would have been significantly less if Blizzard hadnt let people believe that it was going to be in LFR. They switched it last second and that is what has rubbed people.

For weeks people were thinking “neat, I just LFR and i get to have this cool cat” only to have that taken from them last second.

Wether you support the change and hate the complaining or you hate the change and complain, both sides should be directing their grief at Blizz not each other.

Blizz created this problem by lying about who was going to be able to get it.


This will just have more people in shambles because they have a bunch of difficult to get recolors instead of a single relatively easy one.

That’s how FFXIV works. Not WoW.


Except that…it does. You join a normal pug, kill a boss or two then hop off. Join another later. I wrap up gladiator and +20s with a healer who is on for 30-90 minutes a day and often only a few days a week so I think most people just aren’t very good at managing their time.