So no slime kitty for me

So you’re being a clown and copping out again instead of answering a simple question. Keep copping out. It only makes you look worse, not me. Keep insulting me. I don’t care.

Option A: You’re trolling
Option B: You’re telling the truth and probably get in fights often :laughing:

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Option C: You didn’t read the OP I’m referring to and are ok with someone insulting another when they feel backed into a corner.

I just don’t think you realize what constitutes insulting lol.

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I dunno, could it be calling someone stupid? Because I didn’t do that, they did. All I did was ask how they wanted to do a raid without learning the mechanics, but also not be carried.

I answered the question 26 days ago but you are still refusing to read it.

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I’m telling ya broski, you really don’t understand :laughing: Or you’re an expert troll :person_shrugging:

Hey clown. You backpedaled and copped out by saying that AFTER i pointed out your inconsistency in the OP. Nice try though. Just because you DONT say something doesn’t mean its not implied.

Please, enlighten me. What don’t I understand?

Where’s the back pedal?

This is my first post but I wasn’t the OP so I’m not sure what you’re talking about there.

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Can be taken as an insult, rude, or antagonizing.

Let’s say you get a flat tire right, and I see you on the side of the road and I say
“Need some help?”
And you respond with “Yeah”
Then I ask “Do you have a spare?”
To which you respond “no”
And I say “Why are you so unprepared in life?”

Have I been rude, insulting or antagonistic?

The answer is yes, and if I said that where I live I’d expect to either A) Be shot or B) be in an fight :laughing:

You can’t say stuff like

“you want to be carried”
“you want people to do stuff for you”

You can’t allude to anyone as being “less than”. So you might think that you aren’t doing anything wrong but you are.


This is the core of your post. I agree with it.

The backpedal was when I pointed out that you conflated leading a raid with being the same thing as knowing the fights. Not mutually exclusive. When asked how you expect to complete the raid without knowing the mechanics, you copped out, and told me that I’m stupid and don’t understand and that you really are willing to learn mechanics. Like 50 posts later. That’s a cop out.

I really REALLY don’t care if you have the mount, or if LFR has the mount. They’ve done LFR mounts in the past. The defensive nature of your responses is what makes you inconsistent here. Like its obvious I pushed a few buttons when talking about being carried, wonder why that is.

That is not what this original thread was and its extremely clear you didn’t read my or Tovi’s posts.

Yeah, I can. Esp after being insulted first.

Yeah, I’ve seen a few.


This is your first post to me. Here is my response:

Then you said:

Then my response:

Then you said this:

And no I didn’t call you stupid, I said:

Because it was. Where in the quotes I provided did I say I wanted to be carried?


Very, I came in right as I replied but looking at this

I don’t know if I’m going to be surprised with what I find :laughing: You came in to this thread hostile from your first post lol.

Oh don’t misunderstand, you can do whatever you want to do just expect retaliation


You’re in a fight :laughing:

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These threads are full of the most nonsense arguments. I have buddies who get Glad every season (harder content than most people reading this will ever accomplish) who aren’t able to get Slime Cat because in spite of being max geared already they can’t get an invite to a normal raid. Yet me, who does a little bit of PVE/PVP for fun and is in no way a hardcore gamer or amazing player was able to get it because I do average person content like KSM, AoTC, and 2100 PVP instead of trying to push hard content.

It’s a time sink most people aren’t up for/able to do because no one is going to sit in LFG for 5 years while getting declined by keyboard turners. Can we stop pretending like no one has any legitimate beefs with the way the community works which makes this achievement harder to get than doing the actual content itself?

Beyond that, in both live and PTR it did read all forms of raiding before it was hotfixed in live–so it’s entirely plausible that people would misinterpret it. I duno why everyone has to be mean to people over it, Christ.

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Oh dear Senseilimb is this true? Is this the first post? I gotta say this is quite insulting as I explained earlier.

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As a blanket response to everything you just said, you STILL didn’t come back to me and say that you were willing to learn the fights until many many posts later. Fully knowing that your core point was inconsistent wording on the achieve, I asked why you were so upset about having to do the fights on normal if the wording was all that upset you.

Instead of giving me the reason, you proceed to call my question stupid, and go down the rabbit hole of insults. I’d ask again but I’d just get called stupid, or shot down.

If you’re upset about the wording of a thing, that’s one thing (one that I agree is pretty silly to change so late into PTR), it’s another to be upset that you can’t ride off the coat tails of others. If you’re so willing to learn the fights you wouldn’t have included 80% of that OP to begin with.

I don’t feel my buttons were pushed but you’re the one that can’t stop crying that I was mean to you.

Ugh, I’m not getting into this again. I’m just leaving this picture then putting you on ignore. You keep lying and I think you’re doing it because you think it triggers me, which isn’t the case, I just enjoy proving you’re a liar.

And no I wasn’t carried.

Yes, I was actually turned down for invites a lot for my ilevel and my class. Was never asked to link an achievement though so I was wrong there.

Pugged CN and SoD but for SotFO I joined a guild because pugging was such a nightmare.