So no physical authenticators after the 5th?

Unless you know how to replace a battery…


So was most of my family that plays

I thought I remember reading something about when the battery died they died or became inoperable or something of that sort. Was on the old forums.

Please remove the incorrect physical authenticators from your title.


Batteries can be replaced… Oh yeah, I have done it.

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well if blizzard has something important to say they can say it on their forums instead of posting it on a dying social media platform.


How is it dying? it’s still where everyone post everything.

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because their ceo is running it into the ground. in 5 years it wont be around.

Hate to tell you, but it is a thing. My mother lives in the back of beyond in southern Utah, and they don’t get cell service at her house. Really, they don’t.

She still has a landline, and doesn’t have a cell phone. She doesn’t play WoW anymore, but still, if she did, what is she supposed to do if her physical authenticator ceases to work?


Make friends with Orctang.

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My banks (and any other company that requires 2 factor authentication) gives choices, so I can have the authentication number sent to my email. I get it, everyone wants phones to be a “must have, or you can’t live life,” but there are still people that don’t have them, and won’t ever.


So this has nothing to do with a phone number, just an app, right? You don’t need a phone number to use an app just Wi-Fi.

Blizzard must look out the window and think the whole world looks like Los Angeles .


But ma custom key descriptions!

Yes you need a phone number to use the Battlenet app.

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It ask for a phone number when you click to set up one now

You know the funny thing, I have several bnet accounts that don’t have any authentication other than a password and they have never been hacked.

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The world isn’t slowing down for the few unwilling to keep up with technology


I think what they are saying is the mobile authenticator app is being discontinued. I didn’t see any where in there a mention of the physical one being ended, just that they are removing the mobile app version.

I can only attest to what I’ve personally experienced, and that is on a device that had the old mobile authenticator installed I was able to migrate to the new bnet application whether the device had an active phone number at the time of migration or not.

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