So no more warrior fury buffs, Blizzard?

That you actually believe this is wild.

Go ahead and point to this.



Excuse me while I push for +17’s this week and break top 5 DPS in mythic raiding as a Fury warrior. :^)


You don’t have a single +17 or a single mythic castle boss kill but okay

Warrior single target is complete garbage. It’s awfully frustrating pulling 5.3k dps on Mythic Sludgefist while seeing boomkins and Warlocks pulling 8k dps. Do you think if battle shout weren’t a thing that a single warrior would see the inside of Mythic castle?

A gap of 50% damage or more between the top and the bottom classes is completely unacceptable at this point. There may be a few fights that warriors excel on but those fights are few and far in between and are the types of fights where extra aoe damage isn’t going to make or break any individual guild. Warriors need a massive single target buff and possibly a nerf to Whirlwind cleave effect to offset that damage. Beyond that warriors need more of a toolkit for mythic plus, in a 5 man setting being a class who’s only real selling point is damage output isn’t sustainable when such fluctuations in dps balance happen so frequently.

You’re both very close in IO score, just because someone doesn’t run mythic raid yet doesn’t mean they can’t add to the conversation. So I don’t get the key level 17 comment.

I have mentioned this before, and still think it could be a viable way for them to go. It’s a tough thing to balance though, cause for all we know a set bonus could be a game changer. I don’t think a gear set should be the way to balance things, but heck, they’ve done it that way before.

Warriors have a ton of utility in M+, some of it isn’t as useful in raids but still good. Shattering throw on Sun King for example. Fury does lack Die by the Sword, so intervene is a little scary to use on a tank. It’s still a warrior option though. Reflect alone saves your healer a lot of headache in M+.
What kind of additions would you like to see to our toolkit?

You do realize he attacked me first and I was just responding to his hallow attack right? I think everyone should have a say in this and find it outright disrespectful whenever people bring up IO or raiding. The issue with his post is that he outright lied about his credentials in an attempt to attack me and it needed to be pointed out.

Considering limit brought both a prot warrior and an Arms warrior to a couple fights I’d say yes.

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I don’t see how he was attacking you. I saw it as he’s happy that he or she is going to be pushing 17 keys this week with the new buffs.
You took it as an attack. Hence one of the draw backs of written word. Very open to different interpretations.

On the note of our toolkit, I think stormbolt should be made baseline with shockwave being the talent to replace it, possibly overwriting stormbolt when you choose it. Also seeing only utility come back like shattering throw providing raid-wide armor pen/damage taken. Also skull banner and mocking banner are powerful additions they can add back. Even expanding the number of classes that have access to bloodlust/Timewarp seeing how strong it is in M+ with warriors being a prime class to see it added to.

Look at his very first post in this thread. He outright tells someone that their opinion isn’t valid because their progression level isn’t up to his standards. Don’t see why you’re singling me out on this issue.

I’m Night Fae, so I do have a shock wave baseline, but yeah, Storm bolt baseline would be a very nice utility. Thematically a War Cry (Heroism, blood lust) ability would be cool as well. Not sure why they nerfed the drums buffs, but that could be a useful addition.
Not sure about the Banners, that might be going a little overboard with our kit. As we can already save a tank by leaping away and taunting things. Or Arms Challenging shout and using DbtS, (against Melee mobs that is).

This must be what you mean. While it is obtuse in delivery, I took it as a counter to the OP’s stance on having to change Arms to Fury. Used to point out that in the content they are doing will be fine for either. To be fair, we can still do all the content. Just maybe not as strong as we want to be.
I’m only 1245 IO, with sad (atrocious) luck on weapons, but we’re still good examples that Warriors can succeed.

If you can do the mental gymnastics required to see that as not being a personal attack then you can do the mental gymnastics to see mine as not being a personal attack too. Go ahead and do that, I’m tired of arguing this issue.

I can see where you’re getting that, it’s not mental gymnastics as much looking at it from a different view. This is one of the main reasons people blow up at Derez. They see level 11 troll character icon, and just lose their minds. Kinda funny at this point.

As to what I don’t get about the +17 comment is where it matters when he/she is already doing 15 and 16s. Where a vast majority of the player base are not.
Do you not realize that you are an example of a warrior succeeding?

The personal attack you whined about wasn’t from derez, it was from seesuh. So again another deflection and attempt to put words in my mouth.

The person who I actually responded to that you feel the need to defend some odd reason also mentioned that he was going to top 5 dps in mythic raiding. Yeah, sure, maybe you can argue that he will at some future date attempt to push 17 keys and that square block is just small enough to fit through that circle hole, but he hasn’t stepped foot into mythic castle a day in his life. So it’s very hard to find some alternate reason why he would say “break top 5 DPS in mythic raiding as a Fury warrior. :^)” unless he was using it as a cudgel.

Also no, I don’t see it as warrior succeeding, 15s and 16s are easy enough at this point that you can carry someone who does significantly less damage and utility than a mage, hunter or boomkin. I’m sure one of the endless advertisements in group finder is proof enough of that.

If you’re going to point to sludgefist that indicates a massive misunderstanding of the class. That is not a tuning issue. Our single target, in situations that play to our strengths, is reasonably competitive now. Sludgefist is not one of those situations.

Should they just never design fights we’re bad at? That’s lame, it’s not even the end tier boss so wtf why would you get upset over it.

Maybe warrior dps needs to be better designed to be less handicapped in fights with downtime and burst windows, but that’s a very different discussion.

it’s not the only fight that has single target issues. Shriekwing, hungering destroyer, artificer are all examples of bosses where warriors are severely undertuned as well. Even when you look at fights with cleave like Blood council, Darkvein, and Sun King where boss damage matters more than the ability to press bladestorm on adds, we’re hurting tremendously. Warrior single target absolutely is a massive issue at this point.

I’d say the only fights where warriors shouldn’t be concerned are Generals and Huntsman. That’s a far cry away from a single fight being anti-warrior.

Even the fastest kills have to take a halftime break for dodgies. We don’t do downtime.

Regular runouts, something like 15-25 seconds of downtime repeatedly throughout the fight.

You can do really well actually if the stars align and you get no mechanics on you. The reality is, you’ll get lots of mechanics on you and constantly be running all over the place, doing no dps, generating no rage, while your buddies have powerful CDs who’s cooldowns are still ticking down.

The same stands for all the examples you’ve provided. This a bad raid for us. It happens. 24 dps specs, they can’t make sure every single raid caters to our specific playstyle, especially when in general the nature of difficult, hectic fights is going to inherently favor burst and ranged over sustained melee.


What would be an ideal raid for warrior be then? A training dummy with a billion health that starts at 35% hp and has no mechanics?

I’d bet if you went back in time and remade every single raid for current class design and balance you wouldn’t be able to find a single raid that matches the criteria that you set forth for what is necessary for warriors to be in an acceptable position. Your entire argument is “because mechanics happen warriors can’t dps good.”

Eternal Palace? Nya’lotha?

Or literally the two previous raids?

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