Yeah, but it’s actually a 16% buff
Don’t know about 16%, but it is a better than it looks kinda buff. As it is all damage.
When we got our very first taste of a buff I let it sink it and see how I felt about it… A friend of mine who has mutual concern about the spec agreed that they should of tacked on much more % than what we got. I suspect that along with Assassination/etc we’ll get more buffs in the future,remember when they destroyed feral in Legion and then buffed them by giving them a 20% or w/e it was dmg buff? Slapping on a flat % buff strikes me as they don’t know what to aim for in fixing x class/specs. Why not give us the full duration of Bladestorm that arms has for example? Not asking to be broken.
I wouldn’t want BS to be any longer, just makes it more difficult to be enraged for the duration.
Yeah, to add what Aédan said, they would need to adjust enrage duration for that to work well. Otherwise it just hits for sad damage.
Thats perfectly understandable. With that in consideration AND ontop of this upcoming 3% would that be enough though?
That is the million dollar question isn’t it. Without know what they’re end goal is, it could be where they want us, might not be.
I’d love to see all the classes have specs that can sim very close to each other. Yeah, couple out-liners will always be a thing, but no class should be 2k below the top 5. (Which I don’t think they are, but I’m exaggerating a little bit cause I’m being too lazy to look it up).
It’s tough to say. The thing that makes this harder is Nathria is a terrible raid for us. With perfect tuning I wouldn’t expect Fury to be in a great spot for half the fights. I honestly don’t know what the disparity is at this point.
Making it 5 or 6 Seconds would definitely help out make everything smoother and easier to maintain, but it wouldn’t be impactful during Recklessness as simply upping the given haste.
So that’s a total of 11% buff to Fury so far. Obviously fury wasn’t fine like trolls on this forum have been saying since SL launch and telling others to ‘git gud’. If it wasn’t for the people saying and complaining that something was wrong we may not have got buffs. Hopefully the ‘Warrior is fine white knights’ will shut up as they were clearly wrong.
dude we are getting a 3% buff calm down
Fury warrior was fine enough after the 8% buff to match or beat the other DPS in my M+ runs to get every +15 and got top 5 DPS in my guild’s H Sire kill.
Was it performing on par with say an Unholy DK or Balance Druid? Definitely not, but it was still viable, just not S-tier in the meta. It’s still annoying that, whilst not being in the perceived meta, people don’t really take warriors seriously for higher level PUG M+ for example. It would be nice to be buffed to be around the level of the aforementioned specs, but the fact is the spec could definitely be played at a level to exceed people playing what’s meta.
Now that post launch the damage of BS/DR was increased by 3% and everything else by ~11.24% (1.08 * 1.03 = 11.24%), we’ll be closer to meeting that meta, though not quite there.
16 percent.
People getting sat for heroic need to get good. It’s been 16%. We are talking players doing 50% what the spec is capable, who are literally thousands of dps behind other players and trying to blame the class. You can’t outbuff bad.
Lol no. They don’t even read what you write man. They read Archi’s analysis on wowhead and may even reach out to him and a couple other lead players/theorycrafters but mostly go off their internal data.
It’s a 3% buff. I’ll enjoy it, it basically moves me up one ranking in my guild’s meters. It’s not lifechanging.
So pathetic. /pat
Yeah it was the scrubs screeching that definitely got the class buffed lmaooooo
3% really won’t change much, warriors will continue to be in an awful spot. Good thing raids need a token warrior to cast battle shout still.
Don’t forget rally.
I dont think it was so much about nerfing, as it was about bug fixes and covenant balancing. The rampage bug hurt a lot, has fury was sitting in a comfortable upper mid spot, then got the “bug” fix… but that loss of damage was never readded anywhere else.
Then theres all the fury condemn nerfs that happened…again, fury was sitting in a good middle pack spot, gets its top cov. Nerfed, but that damage was never replaced. They should have brought up the other covs to balance, instead of just nerfing the 1 that was working.
Cooldowns. Recklessness just sucks lol. Even though it feels good to use, its effectiveness vs almost any other dps’s “big” cooldown is so lackluster.
For example: we all agree that during execute phase, warriors should excel. Now, even though fury is capable of sitting pretty high on the damage charts by the time the boss is killed now if played properly (that consistent dps catches up eventually), pay attention to the opening sequence on boss fights (speaking for venth fury warriors). We have an execute phase, ALSO used with recklessness typically, which on paper should translate to fury being at the top of the charts… however, in reality, fury sits pretty mid-pack to low at the start of a boss encounter. That goes to show you just how lack luster recklessness is… even used during an execute phase, where wars are suppose to dominate, it gets outperformed by just about every other big Cooldown in the game.
I meant the size of the disparity in tuning, if there is one still. I’m aware of how our lack of burst leads to sucking on fights with downtime or with high damage windows, which is half the current raid.
Oh-ho. I see. They are gradually working their way towards the normal with baby-buffs. Keep 'em coming.
I guess it’s better(?) than the kneejerk buffs from the ghostcrawler days? I don’t mind this if they keep reassessing.
That’s more what’s annoying. There is such an obvious cliff drop off after S-tier.
Yeah, I certainly think smaller, more often changes are better than the hero to zero changes.