So no more shaman changes?

It’s crazy to me that they still haven’t fixed lightning bolt’s animation from like 2-3 expansions ago. They were talking about fixing it, made an awesome new animation for it, then reversed the decision at the last minute with no explanation and never touched it again.

I just can’t take that cartoon zig-zag wet noodle seriously. It feels terrible to use and looks like hot garbage. Even the old little spark was better than this. It actually felt good to cast.

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What blows my mind is that there are so many people on the forums supporting this. Or making excuses for it.

Garrosh got his behind handed to him and thrall killed him as an enhancement shaman. Better recognize…… o.0

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It’s mostly just a handful of trolls who don’t even play shamans.

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Like I said, I would be happy to have Blood Elf shamans. I was just trying to use my experience doing decades of software development to give you an idea how decisions like this are made in big companies.

If all you can do is tell me I’m wrong, tell me I’m stupid, tell me I’m evil then fine. It’s only your opinion.

Please elaborate, what is the problem asking for shaman help? If that isn’t the intention of your statement, I apologize.

I meant it’s trolls supporting Blizzard’s silence on shamans.

I haven’t called you any of that and if I did, I apologize. You did say shamans aren’t popular and that’s why blizzard doesn’t do much for them, for that you’re a troll.

Shamans needing help because of broken design and asking for a race to be able to be shamans are two different things.

I’d give my holy light to be able to be an undead paladin, but that ain’t happening. Just stop, you don’t make any sense and is obvious you’re trolling when you support blizzard’s silence due to shaman not being popular.

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My best advice for shaman…

If you play elemental switch to fire mage or demo lock.
If you play enhance switch to wind walker or ret paladin.
If you play resto switch to holy priest, preservation evoker, or mistweaver. (Or roll the dice with totemic because it’s fun even if the shaman class tree is garbage)

This makes my stomach hurts. Imma pray for a different outcome :frowning:

I am ride or die.


My good sir, I need ppl like you in wow. Need to read encouraging words like this often. Jugernaut#1609. Add me up, I’m whooping behinds in bg all the time.

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If they can’t focus on shaman then they can do it on one of the patches and not on launch.

Except for your choice of race :wink:

Youre probably right. The problem is Shaman was a nice combination of things that wed lose out on.

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There’s also the whole class fantasy of being a shaman instead of a mage or paladin.

I’m an altoholic so I have one of every class(working on one of every class in each faction). My mage and paladin are fun but I play my shaman to get the shaman fantasy.

and because Bloodlust is still the best version of that ability. Heroism and Time Warp are so god damned lame in comparison.

Do you work for Blizzard? This is some stuff a blue would say…. Heard this too many times already. Don’t be afraid, we just want to hear the truth.

shaman is the red headed stepchild of the casters even their lore is in shambles

I particularly enjoyed the part where we got an expansion with a bunch of primalists and shamans did basically nothing.

Thrall out here now in the latest trailers contemplating just rerolling fury warrior.

begging elementals til they give you their power out of pity is lame as hell & rule of cool is blizzard’s forte

I really hope the route they take is that it’s the elements themselves that are struggling as Azeroth itself has issues, and not yet another expansion of sad Thrall.

We already gotta deal with sad Anduin.

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