So no more shaman changes?

So we are ok with complete silence?

We are ok knowing that Elemental Shamans have to use a macro to cancel tempest when is up because lighting bolt is better…. A hero talent :joy:

Just delete the class please, we can only take so much disappointment over the years, this is ridiculous.


At this point if you’re still maining a shaman I can’t help but think you actually like the disappointment.


Deleting shamans!?


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Thoughts and prayers.

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If you don’t expect too much, you can never be let down.

(weak thumbs up)


Wanting updates to a neglected class that has seen zero improvements makes them a karen? What?


Have you actually seen the shaman feedback thread on the beta forum?

Or do you mean “we” as in, “Blizzard?”

I am disappointed with TWW ele shaman design and frustrated with the lack of Blizzard communication, but I don’t want them to delete Shaman, I want them to fix it


Imagine they come out with “SHAMAN CHANGES!”, and all it says is “Lol, deleted. Now you know we don’t care. /flex”

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I don’t remember anyone saying this.

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i am doing fine


I wouldn’t fully give up until the prepatch launches. Once the prepatch goes live about a month before launch than major changes seem to be out the window.

Btw they have introduced a npc named Baelgrim that is a shaman tank. This has people wondering if the reason they are not changing things, is because there may be a massive change like a tank spec of some sort. This is all just speculation though that has no basis outside this new npc, and the success of classic shaman tank.

With how close we are too the launch I wouldn’t bet on anything just wanted to add that little bit of information.

No. Not really

One or two people with a shaman alt are pushing a personal wish.


As long as Elemental Spirits and using ranged/melee spells and abilities are part of Enhance Shamans, I could care less about beta.



To be honest this is still just as bad. Iterative changes with feedback over a month or 2 is significantly better than shoving everything out of the door last minute (see literally every tech company do this as an example).

Unless they have huge changes being pushed out next week I would expect them to not receive any help to be honest. Every other class has gotten 100s of patch notes and shaman has gotten 0.


The motto I live my life by, if I just expect everything to suck and hate it by default I’m never disappointed! cries in failure

I’m aware, that is why I said I wouldn’t be willing to bet on anything happening. I do still believe we are in the window of possible change but with each week that goes by it looks less and less likely.

I find it better to live life hopeful, but not expecting. So, I don’t expect things to get better, but I hope they do.

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If they do eventually update shaman, they’re going to have to do something pretty drastic. It’s the oldest out of all the specs/classes that haven’t been updated significantly in multiple expacs now.

Shammy discord is in full meltdown mode, lmao.