So no more shaman changes?

Bus Shock still in effect.


Use MoP remix to level a new main for a while. Just like ff14 is doing a healer boycott we can do a shaman boycott

Someone help me, I’m dying out here!

I don’t remember the reason given but they didn’t want people to play demonology over the other specs.

You’re out of your mind if you think is two of us that think shamans have been abandoned for years….

We have to use a macro to cancel our hero talent because is weaker than lightning bolt….

Please think twice and then some before you say things like that.

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I never said that. We have no idea what the majority of players think. We hear a lot of shaman players complaining here in the forums. But the questions are, of the millions of players:

  1. How many players main their Shaman or have it as a top tier alt? and
  2. How many of those players care about class details?

Blizzard should have information about that which they gather from statistic collecting software in the system. If their information says shaman is not a popular class or people with shamans don’t do M+ or Raids where details are important then they will work on other things.

When it comes to a shaman rework, it’s a matter of when. Not if. And that’s about all I got. Y’all are just gonna have to wait. I do like playing my ele sham though so I feel yall

Incredible how you think classes should be worked on based on popularity. If a class isn’t popular is because is boring and not well designed…. Who designed the class? This became a Moo point a while ago. We shouldn’t be punished for blizzard’s mistakes. Is not like we designed the class and nobody likes it, this is their mistake, just like ele shaman having to use macros to cancel the new hero talent because LB is better.

You are delirious.


I can never really be quite sure when shaman players are being histrionic or not.

For the majority of this expansion, in PVP at least, shaman has been doing great.


I’m out, leaving with a quote,

“this expansion was basically an elemental expansion and shaman was a fart in the wind”


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If they cant even SAY “we think its fine” then they should delete. Dont take our money for the work you aren’t doing.

Y’all remember that video from TBC about the class balance right?

Shayman are fine, learn to play. Shayman are fine

This has nothing to do with anything, though

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Tiffany making the “not every player posts in the forums” point for the millionth time, in addition to cooked, irrelevant takes :roll_eyes:


Probably done fore pre patch at least.

Might and that is a gigantic IF might see something before expansion launch.

Imagine believing a class not popular? Blizzard moves on to something else :joy:

They designed the dam class/specs….

Try to understand this. Blizzard is a business. Like any company they will invest in things they find have a good return on investment.

They have 20 years experience with these classes and they know which ones interest players, which ones are profitable and which ones are not. Obviously their marketing people have determined that shamans are not profitable.

I suspect that the problem is that Shamans are not popular in modern fantasy fiction. Look at the Lord of the Rings movies, there were Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs and Wizzards (i.e. mages, warlocks). There were no shamans.

I think about the only time I’ve ever seen shamans on TV was on Northern Exposure and even there it only involved one minor character’s story line.

You realize these reply make you come across as a bad person…right?

"Sorry guys, you chose wrong. Therefor, you should just unsub because TWW isn’t for you. How dare you play shaman. "

Edit : Sigh. I told myself I wouldnt reply to you, because you are being so horrible here.

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I don’t know where you are getting that. I spent my entire career working on large software projects in software groups of large corporations. I’m trying to help you understand what goes on in those environments.

Now have you tried to understand a single thing I’ve said or are you just “pro shaman good, anti shaman bad”?

I’m not anti shaman. In fact I wish Blood Elves could be shamans, I’d roll one. But I’m just trying to help you understand the reality of the business situation.

I am just extremely happy you dont work for Blizzard as a dev.

And do you know how hard it is to say that about anyone?

Its like…I wonder if shaman has lower usage because they ignore it.

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