I can never really be quite sure when shaman players are being histrionic or not.
For the majority of this expansion, in PVP at least, shaman has been doing great.
I can never really be quite sure when shaman players are being histrionic or not.
For the majority of this expansion, in PVP at least, shaman has been doing great.
I’m out, leaving with a quote,
“this expansion was basically an elemental expansion and shaman was a fart in the wind”
If they cant even SAY “we think its fine” then they should delete. Dont take our money for the work you aren’t doing.
Y’all remember that video from TBC about the class balance right?
Shayman are fine, learn to play. Shayman are fine
This has nothing to do with anything, though
Tiffany making the “not every player posts in the forums” point for the millionth time, in addition to cooked, irrelevant takes
Probably done fore pre patch at least.
Might and that is a gigantic IF might see something before expansion launch.
Imagine believing a class not popular? Blizzard moves on to something else
They designed the dam class/specs….
Try to understand this. Blizzard is a business. Like any company they will invest in things they find have a good return on investment.
They have 20 years experience with these classes and they know which ones interest players, which ones are profitable and which ones are not. Obviously their marketing people have determined that shamans are not profitable.
I suspect that the problem is that Shamans are not popular in modern fantasy fiction. Look at the Lord of the Rings movies, there were Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs and Wizzards (i.e. mages, warlocks). There were no shamans.
I think about the only time I’ve ever seen shamans on TV was on Northern Exposure and even there it only involved one minor character’s story line.
You realize these reply make you come across as a bad person…right?
"Sorry guys, you chose wrong. Therefor, you should just unsub because TWW isn’t for you. How dare you play shaman. "
Edit : Sigh. I told myself I wouldnt reply to you, because you are being so horrible here.
I don’t know where you are getting that. I spent my entire career working on large software projects in software groups of large corporations. I’m trying to help you understand what goes on in those environments.
Now have you tried to understand a single thing I’ve said or are you just “pro shaman good, anti shaman bad”?
I’m not anti shaman. In fact I wish Blood Elves could be shamans, I’d roll one. But I’m just trying to help you understand the reality of the business situation.
I am just extremely happy you dont work for Blizzard as a dev.
And do you know how hard it is to say that about anyone?
Its like…I wonder if shaman has lower usage because they ignore it.
Dude, Shaman in WoW are pretty unique with the closest thing resembling them being a Cleric. Of course we don’t see very much of them.
Also supposedly Blizzard’s motto is “Gameplay First.” No excuse for making a faulty product.
All the history of the game that I’ve seen seems to point toward the fact that Blizzard just doesn’t dedicate enough resources toward class design. It always seems to be a weakpoint in their game outside of the most recently worked-on classes.
Ok here’s another thing you will find shocking. The developers have virtually no impact on what direction the product takes. That’s all done by marketing and management.
The developers go to work each day (or work from home, the “new normal”) log in and work on their computer programs and graphics. Occasionally they get dragged into meetings where they try not to roll their eyes too hard when some manager talks at them.
It would make no difference to you if I was or was not a developer.
This is only all the more reason they should be leaning harder into making shaman cool. Fantasy RPGs are full of the same repetitive handful of classes over and over. Every game has a warrior, every game has a wizard, every game has a priest, and a rogue, and a ranger, etc.
Shaman are something almost entirely unique to Warcraft, and a cornerstone part of the franchise’s lore from WC3 forward. It is mindboggling that the game has allowed one of the most unique and iconic classes on its roster fall so utterly out of relevance.
Part of me wants to ask you for your source on Blizzard Marketing dept being the reason that shaman are being ignored atm.
Just because this is getting to be a really fantastical story.
Just want to keep the nonsense going. See how crazy it gets.
Read the part again where I talked about Blizzard being a business and WoW being a product. The goal of any company is not to do things that are cool, the goal is to make money.
Yes working hard on shamans would make the small group of shaman lovers happy, me as well, but it won’t draw in people who have no idea what a shaman is or why they would want to play one.
Players are drawn to what they see in the movies and other fantasy fiction sources.
Delete the class?
Delete your account. The game is in a constant state of change. Yes, it’s disappointing and frankly unreal that they’re essentially ignoring Shaman in the initial release… But you’re being a bit over dramatic.
Take a chill pill, Bill.
This is why WoW will eventually fail. Short-sighted gains sacrificing long-term success. A business wants its profits now not later.
It’s not just Blizzard. I got my undergraduate degree in business and I spent my entire career working in the software development industry.
At the start of every version’s development cycle of ever product I worked on I attended meetings where marketing and management told us all what the direction of the product would take. It was always based on the bottom line, anticipation of sales revenue versus cost.
You can always tell the companies that put “being cool” over the bottom line.
They are the companies that go out of business.