So no cat mount in LFR and now the achievement has changed

they pre ordered the xpac though :broken_heart:

Some people are noting they cancelled their sub and have not yet pre-ordered.

Getting ready to go full free to play.

yeah i’m sure people will be unsubscribing. but it was funny to see how many of the people crying about LFR had the dragon in their collections though :grimacing:

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Attempt Normal Mode I would imagine. If thats the ONLY reason someone is re-subbing then clearly they’ll have ALL the time in the world to gear a character and complete all the normal raids one time.

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I’m not resubbing I have about 20 or so days left. No motivation to play the same raids again for a bit more ilvl.

Yeh well when Blizzard have a reward live in game stating any difficulty it does give some people a reason to keep playing.

if they cared about handouts like that, they’ll be back for the pre-expansion giveaway imo…blizz puts some unobtainable collectibles in there sometimes :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

everyone’s going to be okay in the end, and i’m sure blizzard will try to make up for it


Funny thing is I’ve heard a few normal raiders upset because they don’t want to grind another season, and they don’t care much for the mount.

wait I don’t die a horrible death?


that all depends on the mode i’d imagine :nerd_face:

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ill be pvping instead i guess o well maybe ill try normal but i just cant stand raiding and thats why id q quick lfr and be done .

Community outcry about the slime cat pours in and how does Blizzard respond?

/moo :cow:


Not understanding. If they wanted this mount, they should be perfectly satisfied with how it was handled and come back just in case Blizzard doesn’t pull another fast one on them to make sure they know how blizzard really feels about those people.

Does that include the millions who have quit since Shadowlands?

When people leave in anger, they don’t come back anytime soon, if ever.

How, by giving them even more to be pissed off over? Or more opportunity to buy carries?

In case some aren’t aware it’s not completely about the Slime mount. It was a second place contest mount, a test season, a changing of wording after MONTHS, nothing for many people to actually do for any lasting reward/experience, and a tone deaf response which alerted everyone to this whole debacle saying it’s like the friendship moose.

It’s not just about the mount, it’s everything that went into it. The mount was just the point of focus for all the latest problems that have also been issues for Blizzard before.


I would imagine if they’re unable or it’s too difficult, they would choose to stick to LFR. But I won’t speak for anyone else. If that is their situation though, they are no worse off than every other tier as they’re getting the LFR fated raids that they will be able to do.

13 and 30? I’ve raided with folks in their 60s. As for ability, that’s why there’s different difficulties. And it’s pretty farfetched to argue that the majority of LFR players are actually unable to do normal, the difficulty is pretty close.

If Blizz hadn’t made the tooltip mistake, would the LFR only players have been this upset about a mount that they would have had no reason to expect based on history?

Blizz should have just added it to LFR because they screwed up. But they didn’t because they’re Blizz. Maybe the players can solve the problem by actually helping each other out with runs.

Do you honestly think LFR raiders are like normal+ raiders where we run it for the challenge, the social aspect, the whatever reason we run it for?

I personally raid because I like the challenge, I like playing with my friends, I like the achievements, the rewards, just being able to look back and know I achieved something and had some fun doing it.

I than also jump into LFR and my mindset changes completely, I don’t even run my alts through LFR for the rewards even though most of my alts can benefit from the LFR iLVL increase over my current gear, I run LFR specifically for that additional chance at something.

I ran LFR SOD first wing on all my tanks for a chance at the mount, I tank because it’s faster to get in. I ran SOD last wing on my hunter because there was a quiver to get, I stopped doing that when I got the heroic quiver. I am now running LFR Lihuvim on my tanks for the extra chance at the mount item and I was running LFR Jailer for the Gavel, until I got that from the TW weekly reward.

I never ran LFR Castle because it gave nothing more than gear, I don’t need to run LFR to see the raid or for the achievements, I have a guild I do that with and if I didn’t have a guild I can tell you now, I would not be running fated raids in LFR just for the sake of running fated raids, it will give me absolutely nothing more than an iLVL increase possible reward chance.

I will though be doing it again in SOD in keep doing it for Lihuvim as they both give a mount, or an item for a mount, and I will only being running for a mount % chance because I farm mounts, 730+ account wide mounts so running for a 1% mount/item is normal for me.

LFR players are not like me, if they wanted the challenge and whatever else comes with normal+ raiding they would not be doing LFR and there is a good chance many of them won’t be just for the fated experience. They certainly don’t need the iLVL increase since there is nothing coming for them that will need it.

This right here. Doesn’t give me high hopes for Dragonflight or the future of the game.

I wasn’t expecting to have the mount handed to me, I geared up to what I thought would be adequate for LFR. Then I spent my time doing legacy content and leveling alts during the XP buff. I was led to believe I could do the achievements in LFR because they literally said “any difficulty”, in the live game, for months.

I felt like the mount was actually obtainable for me, someone with disabilities that make anything beyond LFR difficult or impossible. Someone who misses out on AOTC mounts and other things that would be difficult for me to obtain. I don’t get upset that I can’t get them, I know I can’t get them and that it is unrealistic to try.

This time it was different. This was something I really wanted and felt like I actually had a chance to achieve. The hope and excitement I had is gone.


My sub runs out end of august. I won’t be renewing.

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oh, thats an easy answer for me - play ffxiv .

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