So no cat mount in LFR and now the achievement has changed

Since I have a guild to raid with I will have something to do. But for those who do LFR or bust, what on earth are you all going to now be doing this patch and for the next 4-5 months? Was there even anything added to the game or was 9.2.5 the last content that was added for casual and solo players?


They should be cancelling their subscriptions. If Blizzard doesn’t care about them, then why should they care about Blizzard?


Well we did LFR every other tier in SL with no mount. The rewards were always worse than WQs. So it wasn’t for power anyway. :man_shrugging:

Well I don’t necessarily think this is worth quitting over it probably is the only way to get their attention.

Everyone needs to decide where their line in the sand is. think for yourself.


Not paying for sub and playing other games.


even if the cat was obtainable through lfr, there really isnt much for solo players this season.

the cat from LFR is 3 weeks of timegated content a few hours each week.

it was not 4-5 months of content. if anyone is unsubbing over cat, they would’ve unsubbed anyway right after they got the cat on week 3.


Leveling up characters until my sub runs out and continuing to play other games like I always have.


I was in a normal + heroic raid team through most of BFA and the beginning of Shadowlands, but a few quit early in SL because they didn’t find this expansion fun and almost everyone else quit when the big scandal and lawsuit came out. Between that, the mount being N+ only, and the experience boost ending, I won’t be doing much of anything until Dragonflight launches. I might even consider unsubbing for a few months, no point in spending the money when I’m not playing.

I’m hoping the community I raided with before come back for DF, but if they don’t I guess I’ll have to start looking for another casual Sunday raid group (the more popular days are not doable with my work schedule).


Yeh but you got a raid right? It was something, now what do you have? They release an entire new patch with some fancy updated raid that normal or higher raiders can gain rewards and not just the cat, but I can go back to Sylvanas on easy mode, get more chances at the bow, a chance to try mythic difficulty when non fated for TWO mounts, I can even work on my glory achievements, what do the casuals get?

They’re clearly hoping what we’ll be doing is buying tokens to pay for slime cat carries. I canceled my sub instead.


3 fated raids.

That’s all old stuff. Not new for the season. You’re getting 3 fated raids and a cat.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d have liked to see the cat in LFR myself, but it’s not like there’s a massive difference in s4 content and WQ gear made LFR irrelevant a long time ago as far as progression is concerned.

Yes but Sylvanas and Jailer still have a mythic mount to get, and Sylvanas has the bow and each raid still has the glory achievement. There are things from older raids that are normal or higher that LFR never had access to that a lot of players never got when that raid was current, with the increase in the iLVL we can go back to easy mode raids and have even more content to work on.

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I refuse to even do LFR.

As a result:

I’m canceling all 5 accounts.


Just doing legacy mode sooner, and you’ll still have to be a lot better than average to get them down.

It’s cool that you’ll be able to do that, but it’s still not new content for the season.

Already done. I canceled the day the blue said no its not in lfr


I’m just letting my sub lapse since there really isn’t anything to do right now. It expires tomorrow.


i cancelled my sub

i couldnt refund my pre order though


Playing other games.


I’ll let my game time expire and maybe come back for DF launch. If not for the boost I would put in for a refund of DF as well.
I’ll probably work on some of my RPG backlog. Got a pile of games waiting to be played/finished.
S4 is doing nothing for me and having the slimecat rug pulled out from under me has killed my other motivations in WoW.

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Play other games. Literally nothing in this patch for me.

At least before it gave me a reason to play and a goal to work towards, now there’s nothing