So no cat mount in LFR and now the achievement has changed

For me actually it is. I only done minimal mythic raiding when each raid was current, so having the iLVL increase from 250 in the SOD raid to now just over 300 in the NO CAT FOR YOU raid will mean going back to Sylvanas and doing mythic now instead of in DF, or in many cases, waiting for 11.0, will mean personally have new content to do.

And even the same for mythic Jailer, at 300+ iLVL it’s going to effectively make it feel like normal raiding on a new raid tier, and if I am pretty sure I can easily beat normal raiding.

It may be new for you, but it’s not new content. That’s a fact. Everyone got 3 fated raids with the normal or higher cat option.

Casuals can enjoy the like new feeling by getting further in BFA mythic raids like you are in SL ones.

Maybe Blizzard is hoping solo/casual players will tune into the Variety Show during S4.

They’ll continue to do whatever it is they’ve been doing for the past few months, presumably. I have no idea how a single mount would have changed that.


I know players who raid above LFR who can only make it once a week for some weeks because of real life commitments, other weeks those same players may not even be able to raid.

Say you were only able to raid 2-3 hours a week, that’s 1, maybe 2 wings of LFR, especially if you are DPS and spend a considerable amount of time in queue. That can take you upwards of 2-3 months to complete each raid on fated if it was available.

Yeh, a single mount can certainly change things for some players.


I disagree.

The content currently is barely interesting now, let alone for another few months

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I have no idea how a single mount would have changed that.

I just told you how a single mount would change that.

The mount was at least a small carrot for non raiders and casuals alike to queue for raids here and there, but now non raiders and M+ players have literally no reason to play season 4.
I know I won’t have the time to pug raids for each boss required around real life. Many others won’t either. Us filthy casuals are just without a reason to play until DF, for those who return for it.
Bad move Blizz, bad move…


I’ve been here most of the time Shadowlands has been live and I’m not even playing that expansion. I’ve barely done any of that content. There’s still lots to do in-game.

I cancelled my sub. I’m not their target audience and I need to respect that.

LfR got fated raids but nothing other then gear to show for it.

Normal and higher got gear +

And also the gear feels even more meaningless than it already is because next patch its all going to be invalidated anyways

Yeh but now according to the changed achievement, LFR don’t even get that. LFR players will run the raid for a higher iLVL, no new achievement, no additional rewards, nothing.

And since this is the last patch of this expansion is there a real reason LFR players need a higher iLVL? If you plan to push M+ than doing LFR is not the best way to go about it, if you plan to push into normal raiding or higher, run M+. Only having an iLVL increase is not anything to write home about.

Everyone has the option to do normal and higher.

From everything I’ve been reading so far, there’s not even one example of any “new” content for S4 - it’s almost all old/recycled stuff :laughing:

It could be argued “but new seasonal mounts!”, but eh, more recolors of the same existing mount(s) barely counts as content imo

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we now know what will cost a raid tier - “casual” world content will cost a raid tier. I expect after dragonflight the next expansion will be a single city with everything attached to it, like a hub and spokes, no zones no content just instances for pvp and the raids/dungeons

According to Ion anything outside of copy and pasting old templates will cost us a raid tier, but yet here we are, missing a raid tier when it was their own fault.


Do you think people with anxiety or diminishing eyesight or medical conditions that make doing normal or higher hard are going to do them ?

Do people think only people that are between 13 and 30 and being of able mind and body are the only ones who play this game and all others should just go kick rocks?

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What’s this about kicking rocks? Sounds more fun than S4.