So no cat mount in LFR and now the achievement has changed

It was live in the game on retail stating any difficulty, PTR has nothing to do with this.


To be quite frank their are better mounts to get and that are less cumbersome to get and looks better than the slime cat mount.

But no doubt people will gang up on me with my perspective.

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Blizzard changed it from LFR to Normalā€¦ so now you have to jump up and down ten times instead of fiveā€¦ whoop-dee-doo folks.


The same thing they would be doing, if they didnt add this new season and let the previous one go for another 3-4 months like they always do.

That is something people dont seem to get, is not like the lost anything, this is just something extra they are doing instead of keeping us on the same season like they always do.

So if you never intended to raid, pvp or run m+, you are doing the same thing you do every other expansion.

I truly do expect a low turn out of players on the solo and and super casual spectrum this season of shadowlands, because not everyone will quit, but i think the turn out will be lower than it normally would have been.

Because some folks really care about their forms of progression. And mounts are basically itā€™s own sub genre now. Just like gearing up is and always has been.

And looking at season 4 of shadowlands, there is nothing for the casual and solo players to do. Especially if everything else is progressed through that they cared about progressing through to the point where they felt like they had reached the end.

And now the gooey slime saber was that carrot on a stick. It might of actually made alot of those folks resub. But i still think alot of folks will quit over this regardless. Because if you only like LFR or whatever, and solo play, and you have achieved all those things already, minus any major pvp or PVE stuff that people on the normal spectrum progress through with raiding and all that, then you are just chasing the wind. Because you donā€™t like those other things as much.

What will I do? Continue to work on levelling up some of my alts, and earn as much gold as I can. I have almost enough on the balance to buy Dragonflight, and need to earn more for my sub payments.

Plus lots of other stuff tht always fills up the end expansion drought.

I think alot of folks will just continue to pester blizzard until it changes back to how it was worded before.

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nah itā€™s just an excuse. Even if itā€™s worded correctly people will still pester blizzard about it. Just alot of man-babies in the forum

If it was worded correctly to begin with than maybe the LFR crowd might ask for it to change, maybe not. But since it was worded terribly to begin with and was in the game on live for weeks, not only are the LFR crowd annoyed, but players who raid normal+ and players who donā€™t even care about LFR are coming here telling Blizzard it should be changed back.

Some of us just want Blizzard to be held accountable, they should have known we have been talking about this when we first found the achievement, and if they didnā€™t than they need to learn what happens when they make last minute changes and I know one thing, Blizzard doesnā€™t like it when we pull our money out.

So we all had the choice to vote but we picked the tree and now they put the same mount but you cant just run LFR to get it. Thatā€™s a little unfair but its Blizzards team of expert decision makers hard at work again.

As someone who has been trying to do this all day, normal pugs are a nightmare. Far to many people have no idea whatā€™s going on.

The only thing they understand
Money talks

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So true I donā€™t even like the mount
Itā€™s a matter of principle

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Scarcity tends to trigger a primal part of peopleā€™s brains. Itā€™s why FOMO works.
Thatā€™s why all this arguments about whether things should be on LFR/Normal is pointless.

The real battle is to get rid of FOMO game design.

Well my last group just crumbled, made it to Inerva and after 4 wipes everyone jumped out. Easier than LFR my left cheek.

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Yah and i think you only have a limited time frame to get the gooey saber to. But i wont be trusting anything this company says anymore. And i wont be trusting achievement text or anything else of that sort anymore. Makes no sense why they changed the wording at the last second,

Thatā€™s nothing new, if you ever tried to pug BFA content you will realise the majority of players donā€™t have a clue outside of being carried in LFR and that in part is also Blizzards fault. Like I can go into LFR over geared and hard carry half the raid, they will never learn and even if they do actually try itā€™s not like you can fail.

LFR is designed to basically guarantee kills for players, you fail, you get stacks, fail enough and get 10 stacks and all of a sudden that under geared player who has too much higher iLVL gear in this bags to jerry rig the queue is now doing decent damage and staying alive, so they get used to it, they donā€™t learn and they just stay bad.

Whereas with a guild of mythic level raiders, normal raiding is is easier than breathing.

People really truly fail to understand just how bad some players in this game really are, no they are not just looking for a carry, a fair number of players are just that bad.

With a guild or a community of players willing to actual put in some effort, yes it is easier than LFR. But when you pug you risk taking all the players who just donā€™t want anything but to be carried.

As a casual, I just unsubbed today.



I donā€™t plan on renewing unless they fix things.

They even twisted the knife in the wound by removing the exp buff so we donā€™t even have THAT to do things with.


I usually do 6 month subs. Not this time and I only have around 12 days left.
I have over 250 Steam games, so plenty of other games to play.

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