Why what’s wrong, you can’t my left foot the raid? (Please tell me you are old enough to understand that reference).
In all honesty some people forget or just don’t care because it doesn’t affect them, a mental disorder is a disability. Just because you have 2 eyes, arms, legs and hearing does not mean you are not in some way disabled and find it a struggle in every day life.
Wtf does this have to do with anything? Seriously. I’m baffled. Since your comparison is so terrible let me give it a shot:
If you payed hourly to stay in a theme park with access to all of their rides and games for no extra cost, and one of the games had a sign up that said “Starting in 3 hours: Score 50 points on this game you’ll win a stuffed unicorn!” and you came back in 2.5 hours and the sign had changed to “Starting soon: Score 55 points on this game and you’ll win a stuffed unicorn!” would you throw a tantrum and leave the theme park?
I’ll get the mount from normal at least, it’s the principle of the matter, they have had months to fix the wording and clarify the availability, why do it days before the season rolls out?
There’s no need to be rude. If you don’t see my point of view with my analogy, you can just disagree and let it be that.
As for you analogy: I don’t think it’s accurate at all. In my view it would go like this:
You pay hourly to stay in a theme park with access to all of their rides and games for no extra cost. Before even going to the park and making a purchase, you looked on their website to see what games are at the park. On their website was an advertisement for their games with a sign up that said “Starting at 3pm: Score 50 points on any game you’ll win a stuffed unicorn!” I think to myself: “That sounds cool” and I buy some tickets, intending to play their skeeball game and maybe win a stuffed unicorn if I manage to get the 50 pts in the timeframe I paid for. At 2:50pm I go to the skeeball place intending to score 50 pts for a unicorn when the sign now says: “Starting soon: Score 55 points at basketball and you’ll win a stuffed unicorn!” And you ask: would you throw a tantrum and leave the theme park?
Would I throw a tantrum? No. It is what it is. Would I feel disappointed and a duped because I thought I could play skeeball and get a unicorn? Sure would. I’d think twice before going to that park again for sure. I work hard for my money.
personally i dont really care if it’s from lfr, normal, heroic, mythic or simply logging in. But people saying they’re quitting the game coz of it is where I start calling people babies
You’re telling me someone saw the achievement for the slime cat and subbed to WoW early for the primary purpose of obtaining said mount before it was even available? Then, this same person who did this primarily because they wanted the mount so bad, simultaneously doesn’t have a strong enough desire to obtain the mount to put in the extra amount of effort to clear normal instead of LFR, at least without complaining about it?
If someone was only able to clear one wing of LFR per week it would take some 2.5 months to get all the fated achievements, so yeh it might take them that long to gear up a character to be ready for LFR.
The only way we can make Blizzard listen is if we pull our money out, at the end of the day they don’t really care, there is no other way to make change and like I said, it’s the principle of the matter. If Blizzard from day 1 told us it was normal or higher I would probably ask for it still to be done for LFR since they have nothing else going for them, but I wouldn’t really fight it like I am here.
If we don’t fight, if we don’t show Blizzard we are not scared to walk out because of a mistake they made than who knows what else they will try and do that will affect more and more players.
Realistically for most players this “season” has no more than 6 hours of content over 3 weeks anyway even if you want the mount.
Blizzard is probably hoping a bunch of people end up giving WotLK classic a go because they have nothing left to do. Cash in on the boosts for players who hadn’t intended to play it and need to catch up.
It’s not a deal breaker for me, but I wouldn’t mind taking a break. I’m tired and bored and just sort of poking along doing odd achievements. I can’t unsubscribe and take a break until 10.0; my account has to stay active because I am responsible to the members of the guild that I inherited during early COVID.
Yeah, I guess so. I am a retired raider. I know what normal, heroic, mythic raiding is all about and I don’t want to deal with it. Occasionally I will get nostalgia and have an urge to play some WoW every now and then. I go through LFR to get a cool tmog, see the story, have a no-pressure experience to satisfy my WoW itch. Like LFR is meant to do. So yeah, I did sub 2 weeks early before S4 dropped. A free “participation trophy mount” was a “why not one more month and get a free mount for low effort?” type decision.
As for complaining about it: I am literally engaging in a thread asking what “LFR or bust” players plan to do for the next 4-5 months. Do I not fall into the intended target audience for this thread?
FWIW, the achievement text was pretty clear on what it said.
Funny thing about how writing works when it’s coherent is that it is very understandable. ‘Complete x raid under any difficulty’ for this achievement works. This is pretty obviously either a jerk at Blizzard wanting to troll the community for laughs or a bait and switch for easy money. Either way Blizzard should have issued an apology because the thing was listed in the retail client and they are changing it right before the launch.
That’s literally why everyone is disappointed and/or upset. Then forums do what they do best and troll and fan flames to get people more upset.
And even though my guild is planning to start normal fated raiding tomorrow I am still upset about this, even though it has zero bearing on what I am going to do for the next couple of months because it hurts the community as a whole.
Players resubbing early to prep for S4, players looking forward to more LFR and more rewards, than nothing because Blizzard could not get it together. Money? Trolling us? Someone who cannot do their job? How they really feel about LFR? Who knows, but it is not nice for just a single mount that could have been free if not for the hippies (and yes I am one of those hippies).
We need to just keep pushing Blizzard, make it so we can come back later for normal raiding for the mount, make it so it’s LFR now, make it so we can all get the mount in the same way we complained about TW MT, because that was also a crappy move and we got that changed.
No one here, not a single person should be stressing about this for any reason, especially since this was one of the free mount choices, they should all be free and obtainable by everyone all the time.
Whatever the reason it shows how out of touch Blizzard are with the players. I’ve said it time and time again and so have many, but I would play more of this game if I could get things done later and easier. Right now I have one main because there is just too much, I would love to take my alts and gear them up, raid with something different, but once you are this far into an expansion if your alt is too far behind it’s just not worth the effort.
DF is looking good though, no borrowed power, no weeks of grinding after you hit max level just to get ready for max level, that’s always a good thing and one thing that SL ruined for me, you spend more time grinding the initial everything once you hit max level than you do getting to max level.
Agree it was clear what the achievement said but the achievement was in development on the PTR and generally PTR is there to find mistakes and correct them before the patch is deployed to live servers.