So no cat mount in LFR and now the achievement has changed

I have Digimon Survive coming tomorrow, Splatoon 3 next month, Pokemon Scarlet/Violet in November, and a rather large backlog of games to get through. I’m not struggling for things to do either.

I don’t think Blizzard understands the players they’re making mad with these changes are the players who don’t play WoW like a job and will gladly ditch it.


Good you shouldn’t trust unreleased content, everything and anything can change before release.

I can’t wait for pokemon violet. Fuecoco gang : 3

So far season 4 is a bit dissapointing. No stuff for solo play, only one world boss is fated at a time with only 5 months of it being barely relavent before we replace our gear with greens.

No slimecat in lfr = forcing people to use terrible pug group finder. I’m already sick of that for mythic plus.

Overwatch 2 can’t come soon enough.

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The achievement was visible on live, it was released. That is an objective fact. Stop.


Achievement(that are also unobtainable) is not content. Is not the first time we have background stuff already in the game waiting for a date to be released, they also change it no matter it been in game for a while.

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Nothing. Working mainly. Nothing to do in wow, so i will just come back when they add more stuffs for me to do. Which i have no high hopes for dragonflight if this last minute change is any indication of how dragonflight will be going forward.

Bascially, i get nothing now. And i expect to get absolutely nothing in dragonflight to. Why get hopes up when it could all change 2 seconds later.

Now that I know I can’t get the pet from Nathria with a dinar, I guess I’ll either do some old content or just play elden ring until the pre-patch