So no cat mount in LFR and now the achievement has changed

The clarification at the last minute was bad sure. But I honestly doubt the complaining would have been any less, just… stretched over a longer period of time.

Yeah the casual cycles in and out but the high end team players are the one staying longer most of time. Must I remind everyone that at WoW’s peak, there wasn’t any LFR and it started to drop when it was introduced?

Of course it’s not the only reason the sub dropped, but… food for thought.

I had someone in my guild put our raid leaders on mute in discord because they could not handle the stress from being given orders, and than was stressed about being told they are not listening, and than stressed when asked why they were constantly muting people and than, they left.

I had a team drop me because I talked too much and sometimes… apparently, in condescending ways. Without warning or second chance.

Took a break from the game from ToT to end of SoO because of them. I’ve been with Impulse since.

Oh? You don’t remember the outcry before Blizzard made MT a permanent thing? You notice how now there is literally not a single person complaining about MT now that it is permanent and we can spend the next 45 years working on the tome mount.


This is a bad example though. Because this is a business and their primary goal is making money.

Who is a more valuable customer in the eyes of a business, someone who spends $180 and plays every day for their yearly sub or some whale who comes in and blows through $500 a month and only plays a few months out of the year?

Not trying to be insensitive but that seems like a personal problem. That doesn’t seem like how a normal person would act in that situation or even an appropriate course of action. Blizzard cannot do anything about that, though. Trying to play victim is not right either.

Yeah the outcry was about its availability, and I was one of them. Tacking the tower to Legion Timewalking was the dumbest thing ever.


Im more upset that they messed up their wording and instead of owning it, they’re ignoring these threads and trying to quietly sweep this under the rug.

And it was a mistake for months…


There would be no point whatsoever. Them owning up doesn’t mean they’d change it and people would undoubtedly question their sincerity anyway.

They are already claiming this is some sort of conspiracy. What makes you think them apologizing would change a thing?

I never said Blizzard should do anything, but you and others are trying to point out that normal+ raiding is a breeze, it’s not for many players.

Most businesses I know if there is a pricing error, they own up to it and allow the customer to have the item for the price listed.

Blizzard should have done what scores of other businesses do in this situation. “Hey it wasn’t meant to be like that, but it was our mistake and we’ll honor it”.


They can’t cave on everything. Not after this much complaining. Please. After this blows away, I don’t want every questionable things be spammed here because they caved on that one thing.

And if they do change it, what’s left to the normal raider? Won’t they feel undervalued as well? They’ve been in the past. Many times. Their gear ain’t worth anything now that you can get the exact same level doing daily quests.


They tend to cave when folks complain.

Remember when Swifty got banned? Oh boy.

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No, but they can learn and ensure this kind of behaviour does not happen again and we have no cause for complaints… I mean, maybe?

I mean, the distinct normal achievement they just hotfixed in is a start. Now if only they had planned a 4th reward…

They could barely squeak out about 20% of the class tuning they needed to do, why would anyone think they would have done open world stuff? That takes way longer than changing a damage modifier.

It’s a filler of a filler patch, with a skeleton crew, using existing assets so that we stay subbed waiting for DF. Nothing more than that.

Not everything is a breeze. I’m not sure what else to say. Just because something isn’t easy doesn’t mean it’s not completable. I feel like a lot of people are intimated at the first sign of anything different from their normal playstyle/routine so much that they won’t even attempt to do something they haven’t before. That’s on them.

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Do me and every other disabled person a favor and never talk about us again.


I wouldnt worry about what other people gonna do