Well, i’m sure you think that. I think so too, and pre-patch events like this, the legion and so on definitionally breaks the norm for me.
Legion especially, since not only it’s an awesome introduction to the legion, it was the only time they got the invasion mechanic correct, and later iterations of the mechanic in Legion and BFA got it pretty much wrong. I like world quests as much the next guy, but just having an extra set of world quests when the zone is under an invasion really isn’t the same as Legion’s pre-patch.
Actually to be fair, i don’t know if the second iteration does affect the entire world this time around. When first time i was on PTR, i seen zombies in Legion Dalaran. And quite honestly, it’s a bummer that if it doesn’t effect the entire world this time around. I had still had fun with this event, but i agreed that fighting in dalaran, or shatrah, draenor and such would’ve been so much fun there.
I also understand that it’s not everybody’s cup of tea and i can understand why they just want to opt out of it. Not everybody is gonna find it fun.
… I never called you a griefer or seen you as a griefer.
If you think i called you a griefer or implied that you are, then point out where i’ve said or implied it.
And in my opinion, the pre-patch still does make for a more interesting world, as well the ghouls vs humans thing.
The Zombies are weak and that is a flaw, but it’s not impossible to have fun with it, especially on warmode. And especially since i’m terrible at PvP, so there ya go, you can still have fun with zombies after all, you just have to overwhelm the person and be smart with it.