So much for fun. It was detected and "fixed."

Fun detected!



I just wanna know like
 why they do these things. There is literally no reason to remove it, and there is no reason to purposefully use resources, that are best used elsewhere, to remove it

Weirdly, the original developers of the game were never this stodgy, hidebound and fussy about the game. They never tried to pretend that being good at the game somehow made you a better person than the unwashed masses. They never tried to pretend that what they were doing was Serious Business or flipped out about preserving the integrity of their original intent. All of their moves over time were about giving people more quality of life, more access to cool things at all levels of play and more to do no matter what someone’s playstyle was as the technology developed and as cool new things occurred to them.

It was mostly the developers who came later who have always felt like they had something to prove and an axe to grind, that they had to preserve the “integrity” of tradition and what they imagine the developers’ original intent was. A lot of them were former players who bought into the core feedback loop of making you feel like you were a real cool dude if your numbers were bigger than another person’s numbers, a lot of them participated in high-end raid content and thought that should be the default for the game and was the most important, most “valid” content in the game, because it was what they liked to do, and should be treated Seriously.

Because they were Serious People and deserved respect for their accomplishments, and someone wearing bunny ears to the raid takes from the seriousness. It tarnishes the integrity and makes it seem like they were just grown men having fun playing a video game and not clawing an important achievement at something important by pure skill and grit.

Pet battles, year-long holiday transmog, holiday events, fun open-world content, toys, all of that takes away from the seriousness of the things that they did. If people can just go into old content even years later to get the shiny mounts and pets and transmog then that makes what they did less important.

It’s not a game for us anymore. It’s a trophy case for the current developers and their achievements of yore, and only built for people exactly like them as far as they’re concerned.

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Did you even read the whole thing? They’re having trouble with it and it’ll be added in some time after launch. Fake outrage.

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Just like the WoD transmogs.


And easily running legacy raids from two expansions ago.


? You can easily run legacy raids. What do you think you can’t do right now?

Alright OP this is your one complaint thread for the week. No more until Sunday!

It would be nice if removing it was simply for the purpose of getting it right. However, I feel like that even if that was their intention, they’ll never get around to completing the fix. Kind of like the granular guild permissions that were unintentionally removed four years ago. Ion said they were working on a fix, but we’re still waiting.

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Never made any sense to me why we couldn’t use illusions on the aritifict weapons, at this point they are just tmog like any other weapon. No sense why it’s restricted


Currently, legacy raids are scaled so that you can go back and run them “easily” by the end of the current expansion, at max level and fully geared.

Previously, they were scaled so a fresh unleveled current content character in greens could get through a raid from two expansions ago easily due to generous legacy-content buffs and a lack of incredibly broken iLvl scaling. The level squish broke that when Shadowlands came out and people were trying to go back for Legion stuff, despite tweaks over time Ion finally came out and said that the intent was that legacy raids would ideally be soloable by the end, and not the beginning, of a new expansion with a maxed-out character instead of someone in leveling gear. That had never been the case before, but they didn’t seem to have a good fix for the way that iLvl scaling works in all content, even legacy raids.

They’ve been unwilling to set legacy buffs to be powerful enough to overcome iLvl scaling and finally threw up their hands and told people to just overgear it instead, and the reports from the PTR is that this is holding true in legacy BFA raids.

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Barring legit one shotting, some bosses will need to be tuned to accommodate:

  • separation mechanics
  • object transportation
  • LoS
  • Simon says
  • forced cc requiring a second to assist
  • action commands

Like almost all the above shows itself in just the azshara fight alone

Like even before the 2nd stat squish/first ilvl squish (aka bfa prepatch), back in WoD, stuff from mop didn’t just roll over while we were in Highmaul or BRF. And even in legion I still had to beat the dps check for sha of pride before the forced prison mechanic during the 7.0-7.1.5ish stretch. Which I think that if you weren’t in tank spec you got auto yeeted anyways. But still needed to dps too.

Did you even pay attention to the date of this thread or the fact that the blue post was linked in here? No? Then take your fake outrage elsewhere.

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You weirdos take us out of the experience and break the immersion. Glad you’re not getting your way.

People with sullen faces and dark circles around their eyes usually don’t have a clue what fun is. js

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Might want to get off that high horse and come down to reality. Blizzard specifically added these to the game. I don’t think a sparkly weapon illusion that’s existed since weapon enchants have existed is even remotely comparable. Get a grip.


Because of people like you/them who bought them. Don’t buy this crap that takes away from the fantasy and Blizzard wouldn’t make it. Try again.

Yes, it’s all our fault that someone in their department thought up that set and designed it! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I don’t own the onesie, poor attempt.

And sprite darters exist in this game.

Try again.

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One of the Mythic Raiders probably complained about it and you all know how Blizzard caters to raiders first