So much for fun. It was detected and "fixed."

Absolutely incorrect. I tested this claim specifically back when SoD was released. A fresh toon, still in leveling gear, can easily clear Antorus. I tested on a Demon Hunter, Rogue, and Paladin. Classes that I’m only barely familiar with, to boot, because I just use them for farms and professions.

I tested this claim in the earlier part of Shadowlands in Mythic Nighthold, once I hit 60 and had about a 210-ish iLvl at the time. I took this character and a level 50 character to test and see if level 50 characters in their legendaries with all their Azerite talents had an easier time in legacy raids because they had their full kit available, something that had been asserted at the time.

It was pretty much impossible for the 50 to solo. That character was on the struggle bus and couldn’t get past the first boss on their own. This character did better, she could get all the way to the end, but just regular elite mobs would take minutes to take down, bosses were closer to 5-7 minutes of solid fighting. I wasn’t in a lot of danger, they weren’t hitting me that hard, but their health was a wall that I had to tediously chip at over time. This is compared to in previous expansions where the legacy content buff was scaled high enough to down most mobs in a few hits and most bosses in less than a minute even if you hadn’t bothered to level yet and you were still in questing greens.

The “Demon Within” encounter after Gul’dan was impossible. I literally couldn’t damage it fast enough to keep the percent-of-your-health ability from killing me. It wasn’t a mechanic that I was failing at, it was that even at max level and what was pretty decent gear at the time, I couldn’t hurt it enough because the health and defenses had scaled up relative to my iLvl and the legacy buff wasn’t enough.

And again I’ll reiterate because I can feel the “that sounds like a skill issue” or “you needed better gear” comments coming, legacy raids never needed skill, gear or max level before, just some basic don’t-stand-in-that, hit this at this time, kill all of them at the same time mechanics. They didn’t even need you to level. It was a ‘bloop’ of a legacy buff and you were all set.

They did do some subsequent tweaking after that point that I’ve heard improved things somewhat, I haven’t tried that specific fight again. But they also plainly stated that it was their intent going forward to make legacy raids soloable at the end, and not the beginning, of a new expansion. Which was a change.

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Okay, I’ll type it.

Blizzard Entertainment is unworthy of WoW.

Of all the petty, time wasting “fixes”… I mean, seriously? That’s what your focused on? Pathetic. Impotent even… wow.

We know. It’s already been addressed in here and this was my response in the beta forum: