So much for fun. It was detected and "fixed."

And Lucy Van Pelt yoinks the football once again.


What sense does this stupid idea make other that some senior dev who everyone is afraid to criticize had a bugaboo about glows and mists messing up their precious designs?

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It make the weapons look like not how ā€œWEā€ envisioned them to be!


Well, hereā€™s another answer that weā€™ll probably never see happen, like the Warlords armor or the white/grey transmog:


I was always on Lucyā€™s side. At some point that buffoon had to catch on and never did. You can only feel sorry for him for so long.

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It is fun. Method and other world first mythic guilds say raids are fun. Mythic plus audience that are pushing 15+ keys keep saying itā€™s fun. So blizzard is listening to them


game is :poop:

/10 char


I like how we got a blue post saying theyā€™re actually working on this now, but little miss salty still wants to be mad about it. Manufactured Outrage 101: just be mad all the time, and never let anything be good enough.

Iā€™m actually rather distraught. This was such a cool change. :sob:

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Itā€™s only supposed to be fun in their way, you see.
Non-blizzard-approved fun is haram.


Soon bros soonā€¦ dies of old age


Omg thatā€™s the best thing I heard on these forums :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Update: not a bug! Going to be a real thing!

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Salty? Sure. Mad? Nope.

Iā€™m just pointing out the history of their behavior. Sorry you canā€™t handle that. Thereā€™s a mute button for that. Itā€™ll solve your own problems with being mad and salty.

Just like the Warlords armor! :upside_down_face:


Hello there :slight_smile:

I honestly expect that it was always going to be a thing.

Since Legion weapon enchants have not worked on them, and after they became transmoggable through BFA and Shadowlands, visual enchantments were not able to be applied to them.

And then in the DF beta that changed. That means someone at Blizzard specifically changed the way that artifacts work so that now transmoggable enchants can appear on them. They then took that away in the next beta build, and people assumed ā€˜bugā€™ but, I doubt it was. I think they realized that it was going to need a lot of work to get it right, so they disabled it until they can get it right.


Iā€™m sure. But I still stand by this:


I donā€™t blame you for having that mindset. I suppose weā€™re going to have to see if Blizzard keeps their word on this one.

Still want those armor pieces back at some pointā€¦


Hunters: Yeah? Welcome to our world :stuck_out_tongue:


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Lol, Hunters(Specifically MM) should be asking Blizzard to properly adjust the artifact quiver on the back before they get visual options for it
