So much for fun. It was detected and "fixed."

MS and EA are the biggest villains in the gaming industry. Plot twist BlizZard has surpassed both of them in a short period of time. I can’t wait for MS to come in with their golden chariots.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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What in oblivion? This is legion gear we are talking about…right?

I mean, sure if it were DF gear.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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im glad they arent doing this.

the love and craft they put into those incredible artifact weapons should not be diminished by additional ugly particle effects

oh wow you mean another random change without any context/explanation?

seems like a pattern with literally everything in DF

so much for communicating better i guess :grimacing:


Bait and Switchon Isles

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Why can’t they just go, “oh this is an unintended but… oh let’s leave it in” or have a statement say,

“Due to a bug this was being applied to weapons unintentionally. We like the positive feedback that players gave, so for now we are fixing the bug. But, we will be properly implementing it so it stays permanent.”


Some dev probably got mad that an illusion made an artifact look like, or came very close to looking like, one of their “muh excloosive” Mage Tower appearances.


soon™…after WoD’s crafted mog breaking soon™ is fixed.

WoD crafters got that soon™ in Sl beta for frame of reference.


Probably because in being unintended other issues were present as well, and it’s likely just a roll back to a previous state for the relevant code. I doubt they can pick and choose what stays and goes since none of it was supposed to happen to begin with.

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Oh 100% that’s why I said the next bit.

Like make a statement to us saying it’s being removed for now, but due to the positive feedback it will be properly put in.


I find the lack of Gray and white transmogs to be the crime of this century and yes I know it just started.


They have to save it for a future “Look, we’re listening to the community!” win the next time there’s a big lawsuit or resoundingly unpopular decision.


Noooo whyyy I was so excited for this😭


Blizzard is really ‘5-Minute Crafts’ in disguise…


I bet it was a bug but either way, it really is a silly issue and they should have just left it. I understand they are probably trying to “protect” the original look of the weapons but come on…


No fun allowed.

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Because it would absolutely kill them to give us as much freedom as FF14 and more recent MMO’s.

Like…they’d absolutely DIE if we could kill Sylvanas looking like a snowman or while wearing a pumpkin head or in a Santa outfit.

Absolutely die…and I don’t get it.

We have way too many unnecessary restrictions and developers who remain silent on it all.

As an example, FF14 lead director, Yoshida, when he hears of a fun idea, he’s like, “That sounds AMAZING! Let’s do it!”

When Ion, or whoever else hears of a fun idea…crickets OR “well, unfortunately, we can’t do it,” OR they implement it in a build and not even a patch away it’s revoked for no reason.


Never knew it was a thing so I feel I different about it tbh but that is pretty stupid.

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i was like " this is gana be rad "
and then…

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I don’t know what it is, but Blizz has an ongoing habit of ‘fixing’ things that are just flat out fun, or in this case a thing that should already exist.

Really fast spinning that was really funny on certain mounts? That’s too much fun! No more of that?

Playing the Fae Harp while being a Sandstone Drake so that you’re just headbanging and it was really funny? UNACCEPTABLE! That needs removed right away!

And now this.

It’s okay for things to be ‘broken’ if they’re just fun.