So many unhappy people here

Umm, no, it will be out in 6 months, because there is nothing left for DF besides 2 smallish patches left after 10.2.

It is just announcement crowd that might of just re upped their wow sub with gold to talk online about a game they quit 5-10 years ago they will go away again soon

Was just no hype :frowning:

Here’s 5 new zones you’ll fly over for a bit till you reach 80 then sit in New City X waiting for a summon.

If the main premise of an expansion is just to release 8 new dungeons and a handful of raids… just seems like wasted resources when a world revamp feels like it would have more of a connection to the playerbase.

Now if they said these next three expansions will bring a revamp to Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, and Northrend with evergreen world building technology… that would be exciting.


It’s the forums. There is always going to be a lot of negative people here.

It’s why you don’t really listen to the people in the forums or pay any serious attention to it.

There can literally be a best expac made. Blizzard listened to us. Nothing is wrong. It’s fun. The perfect expac. But yet people here will find something to complain about.

You can’t win in the forums


I need to figure out how to get her. MUST HAZ!



All these unhappy people will still be playing it when it launches, so Blizz isn’t that concerned about their whining.

that why toxic existed in wow

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They said November 2024 for the release date.


Not so much unhappy as disappointed and they just don’t know how to express that without being negative.

This is the shadowy place of WoW Mufasa warned us about.


IF they drag this expansion out until then, then the death of the game will be on them, and them alone.

I am betting Spring 2024.

I think they missed a trick of having Dark Elves, but i guess Blizzard decided we didn’t have too many dwarves yet.

Either way, gonna be honest, not a fan of the name for Torghast++ here. Do dig the companions tho, but i really wish it’s our alts. :confused:

Not unhappy but worried that somehow they will not get everything in place for launch because " they ran out of time " .

Bet all you want. I’m just telling you what was announced officially at the Con.

I watched it, they did not give a time frame.

Unless i am deaf and blind?

Guess you must be. Here’s a snippet from Gamespot reiterating the announced release for Fall 2024.

“WoW’s founding fathers, Chris Metzen, the first of those expansions will be The War Within, slated to release Fall 2024.”
h ttps://

Not me! im ecstatic - i think everything looks awesome,
and having an npc in the “delves” is just one step closer to AI NPCs in ALL dungeons like FFXIV has, wtg blizzard, so eager for this to happen

Game is toast then, because i sure am not sticking around an entire year with what is left of this dead horse.

I suspect i am not alone, and IF i ever leave this game(have never even lapsed a sub in 18+ years), i will NOT return.

It is the ONLY game i play.

Mmk, bye.

There’s 10.2 and a 10.2.5 on the horizon after. Yes, this is the last major patch. And it could be possible they may surprise us with an earlier release, but it’s slim. Metzen said this was timed with the intent to come out for the 20th anniversary. Which is November…
Cyclical playing has become more and more the norm for WoW and not having a consistent sub. It’s safe to say you could take an extended break but outside of a massive game-breaking, immersion-ending problem, they’re banking you’ll be back or another player will take your place.
And really, what’s so wrong with a break? I left for the entirety of S2 and only came back recently to experience the Turbulent Timeways and get into 10.2. I’ll likely take another break next Summer before the launch to help keep the game fresh for myself.