So many unhappy people here

Seriously, I am very happy with the Saga stuff. Looks great. I KNOW that they haven’t shown everything they are going to put out, so I’m not dooming about it like a lot of people in these threads.



I am happy with my little gnome bud Gnomelia OH MY GOODNESS she is a beany baby and she just showed up to become a light in my gnome life!!!


It’s GD.

Lots of the resident cockroaches are seeing their time to shine in the misery spotlight.


They massacred Alleria’s design.


its just the normal sameo sameo nothing exciting besides delves and alt stuff

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Assuming they dont go full blizzard and mess everything up, this expansion looks like it could be the best since legion.
Its drowning in potential and i am so here for it.


It’s the forums. It’s always full of negative people. That’s what makes it so amusing.


Humans have inherent negativity bias.

It’s likely an evolved trait, so we’d pay more attention to ‘bad things’ that could be dangerous or kill us, etc.

We focus on the bad, so we can avoid it in the future.

But, people just like the focus on the bad, even if there’s no other reason for it lol.


You’re not new, though, you knew this would be the case. We don’t come here for inspiration, we come here to poke the grumpy-pants…and occasionally be the grumpy-pants ourselves!

The GD forums of WoW is what inspired the saying “take it with a grain of salt…” true story…

But seriously – it goes like this…if 9 out of 10 people on the GD voice hate and vitriol for a game feature or expansion…stick around…as it probably means it’ll be a lot better than they say.

Here negativity is for the sake of negativity far more often than not.


I think it’s good to get criticism out early. Also I think it’s perfectly fine to not praise someone just for making a decent product. That’s expected for any company that wants to stay afloat.

I’m actually really excited for the new expansion. It looks great.

But, a big feature I hoped for wasn’t added, so I’m going to talk about that. I don’t want to rain gloom on the expansion or herald the end of days for WoW. I just like discussing the possibility of a Tinker class with people. So who knows.

Overall the War Within looks really great.


I like discussing why tinker is bad. glad it wasn’t added personally.


Had to know it was coming. I’m just surprised at how many. I guess everyone is just repeating/regurgitating part of another thread to get their own glory. And of course - WoW is dying again! lol

Thought it was pretty great. Of course the: this was fun Topic is going to disappear! lol Thank god the people that actually play the most and aren’t on the forums will enjoy the hell out of the game in the coming years.

Of course there will be stuff I don’t like…but the game isn’t designed for me personally - or anyone else.

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I’m happy a new chapter! and Aduin is back looks like prince harry too good news! He can be our king!

looks like the first xpac i may not buy
:beverage_box: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:
n i got SL…


No, not new at all, I guess I hadn’t been on the forums in a minute and saw all the W’s from the announcement and thought, “damn there is no way it could go wrong”


I can’t wait to get the 3 days early access

I was only unhappy with the Classic Cataclysm since there’s no forever TBC and Wrath Servers and small tiny bit disappointed with the New Expansion following the same Seasonal Path of Less Zones, Less 12 Dungeons, No New PVP Content, and Lesser Raids.

But other than that I am bit excited to play the next expansion giving the fact we are getting new dwarven content, new arathi stuff, and new nerubian zones, as well as Dwarven Neutral Allied Race to both sides of the coin.

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