So many unhappy people here

I mean, all they really said was, the next 3 expansions will share a theme and lead into each other, rather than being extremely standalone. I’m fine with that. The question is, will the amount of content in each one be worth the asking price. I will give the first one a shot, because I’m enjoying DF…whether I stick around depends on how good the first one is.

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I just got her!

Though Blizzard desperately needs to address the power consumption issue with the game. It was the only app running and took almost 20% of the battery for less than half an hour of play… ouch.


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I’m happy overall, a bit disappointed in other specific ways. Kind of like I am about most things.

Where did her lips go??

They’re there in the key art at least.

I am super excited with the roadmap we’ve seen. I can’t wait to see what comes down the pipeline. Have there been crappy expansions? Sure. But I enjoy seeing what comes!

I don’t really see anything to be happy about. Delvs might be cool, but we dont really know what they look like.

Warbands is a weird way to bundle a bunch of (good)features that should have been in the game years ago and still wont be for another year and even then wont encompass everything it needs to.

We have no idea what the scope of the expansions are but have heard some worrying termonology .

Classic is getting a ton of great stuff but I don’t play classic. its actually kinda wild how much stuff they are getting vs modern wow’s paid expansions.

It doesn’t matter what they announced, there would be people in here whining and crying and throwing tantrums. That’s just the way GD works. It’s entertaining at least.


I had to turn off the chat on YouTube because it was so negative, it was making the whole thing seem bad. Sometimes it’s better to disconnect and just enjoy the things you like.

These forums can be quite depressing, getting caught up on things that you didn’t even know could be a problem. Lol


It isn’t really. They’re just moving classic into retail era. Not great imo.

The chat wasn’t even enabled on youtube wtf are you talking about?


I dunno I watched it live on YouTube and there was chat going on that I could join if I created a channel. I’m not on YouTube a lot but that’s what i saw.

It’s just a loud minority. They convinced themselves that because they had an idea, it was going to 100% happen. Then they didn’t get what was in their head, and think the world is ending and keep talking about how bad the game is, while I’m just wondering why they even play it then.

It was entirely disabled. There was no chat.

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I didn’t have any idea what to expect and I still felt underwhelmed and disappointed.

I’m sorry I don’t know? It was there on the live on YouTube for me during the opening ceremony. Hopefully they disabled it, I know why if they did.

Looking at it again on YouTube it is called Blizzcon 2023 Opening Ceremony [world of Warcraft, Overwatch 2, Diablo 4] on gamespot. Probably a different live than the one everybody is watching.

I’m happy too. I’d rather have less features than Islands, Choreghast, HoA or covenant grinds.

That and I don’t care about elfs.

Having a gnome named Gnomelia would be like having a human named Hugh Mann.

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Bruh, this is it

Maybe we get some sneak additions like Augmentation mid expac, but honestly, nothing exciting about what’s revealed

Re-used Dwarf model for new race
Additional talents that might screw up class/race fantasy
Some kinda outdoor PVE thing
No more faction-unique storylines (again)

That’s it

Where were the new specs/classes/race-class combos/enhanced customizations for all races/return to faction-driven narratives/etc?

i’m chilling.

just PvE andys upset about PvE stuff.

more WoW and PvP for me and can’t wait to see how broken the new hero talents are in arenas and bgs lol