So many guilds dying even with 9.1.5 date

Everyone in this thread saying 9.1.5 is DOA

Me looking forward to QoL changes


If anything that would be reading comprehension, you should probably get a grasp on the English language and how it works before running people down.

Finished all my wow chores for the day, still 4 hours till bed time so I’m loitering around on the forums until something else pops in my head to do.

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To be fair, I wasn’t criticizing people for raid logging. A lot of them are playing new world in their spare time.

Tbh raid logging is kind of expected. I got my hunter to 60 and I’m considering raid logging till 9.1.5 hits to gear it.

It would be. However in order to be able to comprehend anything you have to read it first which you clearly didn’t.

My “grasp” of the English language is just fine.

Don’t say something ignorant and I won’t call you ignorant :+1:

Domination socket bonuses are NOTHING like tier sets man. Tier sets changed your class by giving certain abilities more damage or changing the effect of abilities. Tier sets were never just a flat % damage boost to your class.

You saying they are the same thing tells me you don’t understand why people are critical of the system. You are entitled to liking them, but they are nothing like set bonuses.

Ahh yes, let’s act like he has not played the game at a higher level than 99% of the player base for years. Don’t idolize youtubers for sure, but can’t argue that he knew nothing about the game.


Oh I didn’t mean you.

Most of the criticism of raid logging on this forum is from people who don’t even raid. But they throw it out as a slur.

This game is bad because Ion is
 he’s a raid-logger!!!

(Ignoring that the dev team has been crapping on raiding guilds for years, now.)

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Actually, Ion’s ilvl was 233 when I looked him up yesterday, which suggests he’s not playing much.

I think raid logging is a legitimate type of gameplay. Do you have the same respect for people with other styles of gameplay?

The only people I don’t respect are those who make unreasonable demands, those who parrot what others say without putting any thought in themselves, or those who are so invested in hating something (or someone) that they won’t even look at factual evidence. Which - combined - are a hefty chunk of this forum, unfortunately.

Very true. Most of it comes from people that can’t even get aotc let alone raid at a mythic level.

Like right now I’m laughing at this warrior who refuses to make an legendary and says that arms rotation is bad.

Dudes been buying kt kills as well.

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Yea it blows my mind how is is so hated on here. He has predicted every single system problem in the game since I started watching him when I came back to wow I in early bfa and in most cases said what should be (and eventually was) done to fix it. I dont understand people. Isn’t that someone we should want in the game making suggestion s to blizz?


I enjoy small puns more than you know :heart:

Funny how people gloss over the “threats” he claims for drama views and to get his yes men to crap on casuals.

Or how when he was caught exploiting he was in absolute frenzy because blizzard didn’t want cheating scumbags on the creators summit.

9.1.5 adds nothing but things we said should have been added since beta.

9.1 sucks, and people are burning out from raid. PVP is a meme, and dungeons are getting old. It’s going to be a rough year for WoW.

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Funny how people bring those up repeatedly when they have nothing to do with how accurate his predictions are. I suppose you wouldn’t listen to lance Armstrong of he said there was a problem with cycling either though.

You’ll notice I have never defended him from the potion exploit or anything but I just don’t see how that is relavent to the rest of what I said.

I’m also not going to stop watching mission impossible because their main actor who I won’t name for forum rules reasons objectively has a few screws loose. I can separate the indivual actions of people for what they are.

What makes him different then any other youtuber? Many state systems are bad not just him.

The glacial patch cycle, systems, the continuous ignored feedback
 naturally people leave.

Also Lance was stripped of his titles
 though in that world EVERYONE was doping

It’s bad that the game director has been a raid logger for so long, if it means he has had zero interaction with the majority of the playerbase, can’t understand how and why they play, and doesn’t want to know.

The forums are really no different from the playerbase at large. If you find the overwhelming majority of forumgoers intolerable, you would also find players outside your small circle of friends to hold the same opinions as forumgoers.

He tended to have higher video quality and more research behind what he said since he had a bunch of other people working behind the scenes. Other people absolutely got it right too though. Never said otherwise

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Well at least it isn’t the selfie patch

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Another thing that hurt guilds was the change to granular guild controls that effectively only has officer or non-officer ranks.

This change was made when communities were launched.

There is a mega thread that has been live since that change occurred, it was started in July 2018 and currently has 4654 posts with examples of how these changes have changed how guilds operate in a negative way.

Ion made promises 3 years ago to revert those changes yet nothing has been done.

I would encourage players that want to a bit more love for guilds to check it out.

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