So many guilds dying even with 9.1.5 date

Man sad to see tbh :frowning:


There’s nothing in 9.1.5! That’s why it isn’t working as a lure.

9.1.5 is what 9.1 should have been, so Blizz is just playing catch up. All the adjustments they are making, especially regarding alts, I already addressed the hard way. So
we’ll see how I feel about the next expansion; I’m done with this one. Worst expansion by far. WoD looks way down to say hello.


9.1.5 isn’t a content patch and anyone who’s been playing has done most or all of the progression they were interested in doing already for 9.1’s content. I was effectively done 2 months ago, and killed another month by redoing the same stuff with a different group for fun. I’m done-done now and we won’t see actual new content for another 3+ months at least.


Maybe they coming back once it drops? Since many of the changes are QoL they would wait to reap the benefits after they are live.

I mean yeah, 9.1.5 is coming 4 months after the patch dropped and it has zero new content for people to do. 4 months is around when a new major patch should be dropping or at least announced. 9.2 not even on the horizon at this point is unacceptable to be honest.

The worst part is, according to Preach in the past, the devs didn’t even know why people disliked domination sockets or any other systems. The fact that they don’t know why these things are bad, but are still changing them, means they will repeat the same mistakes again. I really hate to insult, but to me this team reeks of incompetence.


You’d think a blossoming Death Knight would revel in death and decay!

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9.1.5 doesn’t even have any decent class balancing.

No content besides some flavor stuff.

It’s dead on arrival, and won’t bring anyone back.


You have a MMO releasing a new expansion, and you have WoW releasing a new icon for Transmogrification.



Why would they stay around. Raiders etc for what I’ve seen, get the tier done and get going elsewhere, come back when a new raid tier is starting. Not sure if you’ve noticed but there isn’t much to retain players.

Maybe if you are a collector or enjoy low quality entertainment but past that 9.1.5 doesn’t necessarily have much to offer that is retention worthy.

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I see you still have an active account.

many guilds are dying to painsmith.
or just full clearing and nothing more to do.

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Only thing he knows how to do is get caught exploiting and crying about nebulous “threats” for drama views


Feels weird to not have criticism on an Anon thread for once


Really due from lack of content. I am guessing those guilds are mostly raiders and have no interest in doing other types of content.

Nothing wrong with that. I was the same way when I played EverQuest, I just wanted to raid.

9.1.5 really has nothing, it is lucky to get a /golfclap when you read what it covers.

We just got past painsmith with 147 pulls. People are mostly raid logging now.

that doesnt refute my original point tho

Wasn’t meant too. It was more of a “even with people progging past painsmith people are still raid logging”

Was more of an addon to your point.

Part of it is aside from no major content is that they’re already wrecking some of the most exciting pieces of 9.1.5.

Yay! Mage Tower! Oh
 every eighteen weeks

Yay! Legion M+! Finally more than EIGHT dungeons! Oh
 every eighteen weeks

Yay! Campaign skips! Woot glad I don’t have to redo the Chains of Dom campaign! Oh
 So I still have to do that for every alt? Okay

Yay! Uncapped AOE! Oh
 Outlaw got 100% ignored

Just lots of effort and lots of missing on what should have been solely exciting things.

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I started playing because of 9.1.5. I was just not interested in doing all the same thing like the maw intro on all my alts so didn’t buy SL until the Sept sale