I don’t want to nerf anything. Except boaring tank shamans cuz they boar me. I am merely pointing out that certain classes are stronger/weaker vs certain other classes.
Nah this is all boaring. Except for deleting shaman tank rune. Also rets are not fine they need sanctified seals real bad.
Nerfing isn’t a negative. You treat it like it ruins games. A balanced game like LoL, Dota, CS, SC etc has been the most popular pvp games for 20-30 years for a reason. it is also a reason why pvp in wow is a minigame inside a minigame inside an mmo. if they for once decided to focus on PvP balance rather than 2-3 FOTM for each patch people wouldnt quit
It is. So many games have been ruined by nerfs at the behest of whiner babies on the forum. I am much more in favor of buffing the weaker classes than nerfing the stronger ones. That makes everyone happy no one gets nerfed everyone gets buffed.
I mean so many people want purge to have a 10 sec cd which is dumb purge is part of the shaman kit it is what they do. But I think it is dumb they just over looked paladins seals like that. I also think since they nerfed bub they should take wings off forbearance. But I think wings should still be dispel able.
Can you bring some proof or examples here? I just mentioned the most popular games for 20-30 years which has balance patches with nerfs and buffs every 2-3 months for 20 years
Well I despise mobas and I hate CS so I don’t play those games. But lets see. Albion online got ruined by WHINER BABIES, Dark N Darker RUINED by WHINER BABIES. Sea of Thieves, DESTROYED by console WHINER BABIES. New world launched with ZERO PvP servers because of…WHINER BABIES. It went from a full loot open world pvp mmo to a Flagging system… Never been more board.
Oh yeah 100% aggree, the problem that people do not see when asking for nerf for other classes, its that blizzard never gives something in return to that class, it happened so many times in retail, when they nerfed a class to the ground and never gave anything back until the next buff and nerf patch came out. paladin get completly decimated by purge spam its not even funny, while the shaman just run around passive killing with earth shock and flame shock. i saw a million times on Arkaviun stream. ithey nerfed bubble because of shockadin decimating everyone, but that nerf hurted ret paladin more than shockadin at the long run
Yeah this is my main issue with nerfing. Is they will usually double nerf something like what they did to enh when they nerfed mental dex AND maelstrom. And now ENH is the WORST class in PvP. It is only good vs ret because it can purge their seals lmao.
They nerfed maelstrom in the wrong way. Instead of removing chain heal and healing wave from it they just needed to remove the free mana cost. That is how it worked in wrath. And mental dex never should of been nerfed because of how reliant enh is on being able to heal.
they nerfed bubble because being able to 2 global people WHILE ALSO BEING COMPLETELY IMMUNE TO NEARLY EVERYTHING IN THE GAME (cept balefire bolt) was broken.
thats it.
and pallies are still strong in both ret and shockadin specs even now.
you are a coward for playing hunter, im pretty sure you were 1 of the losers playing BOSS PETS while hidding in a roof in phase 1… And you like a coward refuse to take a nerf in pvp because you won’t be able to kill someone when you need to play your class instead of sitting in the back just spamming 2 buttons while getting down every melee.
Everyone knows that isntant cast 3k meta is cancer, why should someone pick to play a melee over a class that can just auto shot 1k and press some instant cast for 1,5 - 3k damage? druids are very weak at melee, hunters are very tankie and this can’t be.
u wanna hit hard at range? you need to be very weak at melee, thats the deal.
I sure was bud 1v5ing BUMs with the scorpid terror MINTNCHIP.
I have been playing hunter this whole time and hunter has been nerfed many times. Still playing.
Sure and it happens 100% of the time to every class with no deviations. No one has any ability to survive the mighty 3k crits that always happen at all times. Sucks to be a BUM that cannot adapt and overcome.
Really so is every other ranged class in the game getting a deadzone as well? Or are only hunters not allowed to do damage in melee? Also hunters are not tanky unless they are in FULL PvP gear and they lose a lot of damage for that tankiness.
I played hunter all through regular vanilla. But I guess since it does damage from range it was OP then as well. Meanwhile you are crying on the forum for nerfs because you be losing in game. Poor BUM.
No, you simpleton. Other casters dont have a deadzone because they dont also have melee attacks, high avoidance , a snare, traps, a disorient, or most HP in the game.