So lets talk about Kill Shot

i mean tbf, you need to play a broken spec to be able to win against most people in sod, sadly
Since a good chunk of people are playing, Rogue - Hunter - Shaman - Bdruid - Paladin

you could add mage to that list, so basically everyone is broken but warriors ,locks and preists.

basically all ranged are busted but the dot classes, because dots are trash.

Just for clarification I will post what the other BUM said.

Too which I replied.

Oh noes the one melee attack that hunters have.

Hunter has 0 avoidance vs magic/ranged.

Every ranged has some type of snare and CC.

Warriors, shamans, and tanks easily have me beat for most HP.

Demo and UA locks are amazing, Disc priest is literally the best healer in the game. And spriests are doing just fine.

Fire/arc mage and destro lock say hello.

lmao no they are not.

Which hits hard and even harder against clothies. Have you not gotten 1k Rator Strikes before? I mean, you would have to use the skill to see the numbers. You probably just give up once someone gets in ur deadzone. lol

both of which hunters absolutely destroy currently. Tell me how dots kill you before you can kill the SP/Lock. lol

What you want another cc? lol or snare? or slow?

Not by much… c’mon.

simple L.O.L

Yeah, dots are surely killing people. Thats why we see lots of SP/Locks in bgs. I can count on one hand how many I’ve seen like the last few days of queue up on my mage. Where I’m usually the only mage too.

I do. But his point was that if you can do ranged damage you should be bad in melee… What other ranged class can’t do damage in melee? Why do you keep making this about me complaining about deadzone? I don’t care about the dead zone. But for someone to say. “If ya can do ranged damage you should be weak in melee.” That makes no sense when every other ranged can do the same amount of damage in melee as they can from range.

The good one’s dot me and then hug LOS. Which then forces me to run away and eat. Or I die. The bad one’s stand in place and try to out dps me and then they die. Pretty simple.

Did you just not read what I was responding too? Like what are you even going on about? I don’t want anything.

Sure if the hunter is in FULL PvP gear. I am not so what I said is not false.

Idk what you are even going on about here fire/arc mage and destro lock are abysmal atm.

I see them all the time, outside of BGs as well. Get a UA/Sflame on your and tell me it does 0 dam. Boomkin dots do plenty of dam and so do spriest dots. And flame shock, flame shock does PLENTY of damage. A single flame shock initial hit + the full duration dot does like 40% of my HP by itself. All whilst I shoot them for 300-400 damage a global.

Ah, LOS ur one true weakness.

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Just saw that hunter being brainless in others threads.

Don’t waste your time and ignore him.


Ms warrior is below tanks and healers in log dps. I know it doesnt translate to pvp but it does show the potential some classes have while warriors at best gear and skill cannot match those numbers. Not a skill issue that MS hits for 400 on a 6s cd.
That said if your full bis and pretty good warrior you are still viable, you just have to put 150% effort to get 80% the results of other classes.

mhm effort’s been the key for warrior since then, and still is to this day, PvP aspect’s been arms for a while since it enables more Team Picks, or solo kills on some squishies.
PvE aspect’s been Fury, since constant procs and crits think the runes add even more to the funnel, since Rage dump goes From HS to about BT, or other types. and becomes the most spammable ability at 9 rage (with Focused Rage active on Belt)

Says the BUM that wants hunter damage “cutted” in half…

Your takes are historically garbage. Lone Wolf hunter on a geared shadow priest is critting for 2k. That’s a 50% damage reduction with dampening. That hits harder than even lava burst shaman. They need a nerf.

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And your actually garbage.

Oh noes critting for 2k when someone has 8k hp. Maybe if hunters had 100% crit chance that would matter.

Not vs armor it doesn’t.

Whiner babies gonna whine… bwahhhhhhhh.

You have to understand Gskheralds thinking here… His thoughts below.

Since my damage sucks versus plate and tanks (I hit tank shaman for 500). I should delete clothies and since I’m terrible when someone gets in my deadzone. Its an auto lost. I should be able to kill shot x3. Mages should LOS or Iceblock x2 during Rapid Fire or blanket silence them cuz that will prevent them from casting Rapid Fire for 3 secs. So instead of dying as soon as you get in my deadzone… you will die 3 secs later.


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Another violation of the CoC. Working on that ban I see?

6k Actually. And when it’s 4k + 1200 for a total of 5200 damage in 1 second that IS a problem. But ya know, it’s fun when you lie.

35% armor, 15% physical damage reduction. That’s 50% armor. Plate. 1800 lava bursts, 2k killshots and 1200 autos. You’re wrong.

Biased hunter mains that are abusing broken fotm gonna lie on the forums and break CoC because they have no arguments.

Sure it is bud.

Yeah tell that to the spriest I had to kill shot 8 times in a row as he tried to run away from me. Took 8 non crit 1k killshots to kill him. I think that’s 8k right? maybe my math is just bad tho IDK.

Well must not be plate since I usually don’t crit wars higher than 1500 with kill shot.

Sure let’s see your VHS tape bud. I regularly get hit with lava bursts beyond 1800 and when it over loads I can take 4k+ damage easily from 1 spell.

Pseudo int BUMs gonna be mad when people do have arguments against them, and then proceed to threaten them with a ban when they end up being wrong. “I come on here to argue with people but then cry about CoC because I can’t deal with confrontation…” boo hoo.

What exactly is killshot x3 that you keep going on about?


Yes, it is cuz of this

cuz tank spec shamans arent reaching those numbers and neither are straight up ele shamans. But you did say ur bad at math.

They sure are with their 4 set bud. And please explain what you mean by killshot x3

So… we’re talking more than a few seconds here if you’re getting off 8 kill shots. Did you know, fun fact, priests have this instant cast ability that absorbs 1k damage every 15 seconds. And shadow priests also heal from several sources. Sounds like you’re either lying, misremembering, or just wrong.

Ok? You don’t. The hunter that hit me for 2k did. Thanks.

I’ve never gotten hit for more than 1800 from a lava burst initial cast.

All he did was run away. Didn’t cast a single ability, never left shadow form. Just panicked and ran away. Maybe he had buffs idk. Still did like 8500 damage to him before he died. 8 globals.

yeah cuz a spriest has the same exact armor as a warrior. Just cause you got hit for 2k doesn’t mean it happens every time either lmao. But I know if your mind every hunter that kill shots you always crits 100% of the time and always has a rapid killing proc up.

Maybe you have yet to fight shamans with their 4 set. But I’m glad you have a record of the highest crits that have ever hit you. Good to know.

Yes the mystical 8500 health shadow priest who spent 12 seconds running from you and never cast a single ability not one time. This is a totally believable story.

They have more effective armor typically, unless the warrior has a shield.

It’s not hard to get 30% crit on a hunter. That’s a pretty reasonable 1/3 chance.

I do actually. It’s the sign of a good player. Unlike you, who clearly makes up nonsense like the 12 second silenced shadow priest that ran.