If youre not using tank runes youre gonna have a bad time. If you decide to join everyone else on your class you wont die to a hunter spamming killshot during 15 seconds of rapid fire.
Not every class in the game is a tank, btw
What part of I’m grinding on a mage do not understand. lol
I have explained to these BUMs the difference between lnl and rapid killing and they have no idea. All the drawbacks that come with runnin 2.5 4 set How it makes hunter stronger vs squishy targets and less effective vs tankier targets. How it makes the hunter squishier cuz less PvP gear. But they never listen they just hate kill shot more than anything.
And if they ever do succeed in making kill shot worthless they will then immediately complain about getting chimera shot 3 times in a row.
You cant chimera in deadzone. That’s the part you cant get through ur thick skull. There should be counter play and currently there is NONE!
So what most people will be dead long before they get into the deadzone. You are just mad because you can wolf sprint with freedom at a hunter and easily get to them. And now they have an asnwer for you getting in their face and you hate it.
Also you can PURGE rapid fire so wtf are you even crying about?
Are you that dense you cant read. LOL
You cant reason with a dude like this. /smh
Then you lose either way bud. You have no water ele and you will die before you get to my deadzone. Better store a fingers proc off a mob or some other BUM in the BG cuz that is the only way you are catching a hunter.
I’m pretty sure I know what do against hunters. I can get in deadzone no problem. But currently they can kill shot x3 while in deadzone. Like I have said, no counter.
Obviously you get me in the open with no LoS a mage is a good as dead. But that doesnt happen all time in bgs. I can see you coming from a mile away. =P
You seem to agree that Kill Shot is OP atm and thats good. hopefully a nerf will come by next balance patch
You have double block… Block is literally a counter for anything. If they pop rapid fire you can just block. If you get in their deadozne without dying all you need to do is deep them. They will trinket then you lip poly until your next deep. Congrats you won.
5 min CD against a 12 sec 3x KS doesnt sound like a counter. if you use your KS LnL with a 20 sec buff against a ice block then maybe PvP is not for you
I agree that bad mages are gonna lose no matter what. I obliterated mages before killshot existed and I obliterate them now.
Basically you think any class that is strong against your class should be nerfed. But you being able to double orb raid groups and kill 20 people at once is fine. You being able to OBLITERATE every melee in the game without them even being able to touch you because of frost bite is perfectly fine… Ya boar me.
“If a rogue kills me in a stun OPOPOPOPOPOP. If I kill someone in a deep NOT OP.” - Boargrenminus - 2025
A stacked T.2.5/High Warlord Hunter is gonna be a problem.
Even if they nerf Killshot a good hunter can FD, Switch to Melee set and toe to toe you and probably win while Deterrence is up.
Warrior is probably my easiest class to beat in BG’s.
CC/avoid during rapid fire, same with Deterrence. If we start dodging everything and spamming killshot. Use your fear, waste both and calmly kill us after.
A good rogue counters me, ( I know this as I play a rogue.)
Mage vs Hunter before Kill Shot was a close counter and slightly favored Mages. It was a fun duel matchup. Not any more
I never said that. I want the game to be fair and balanced. I want Kill Shot to be an ability that is not a spammable main ability. either as an actual execute or substantially reduced Crit damage
So the game would reward a good player instead of bad players? Sounds like what everyone in the entire gaming world wants.
Maybe vs hunters standing still. But mages didn’t get buffed until AQ came out. And kill shot has been in the game since level 60 or half way through level 50 phase I don’t remember.
Is frost mage vs melee fair and balanced? Should you be able to perma root someone with orb? Should you be able to 0-100 someone in a deep?
This guy has to be trolling. “I hur pur durt mages w/o kill shot, and I hur pur durt them now even more with it”.
by his philosophy its ok for him to hit for 3k because he hits plate, mail for 1.5k. This guy is special. lol
I dont know why you are going on about Mages. If you want to have a discussion about nerfing Mages, make a new thread about it and i’ll participate. I’m talking about balancing out the game and right now i want focus on Kill Shot being balanced out
The below changes would help in getting pvp close to balance. I think they are fare, dont you Gskherald? lol
Hunters spammable kill shot. Delete this from pvp.
Boomkin remove starfall from pvp, make it only usable in pve.
Rogues remove spammable backstab/ambush procs. Make hemo fun again.
Shamans delete tank runes for pvp.
Warriors buff MS
Mages delete the icelance spam and making casting hit harder. I cry a little inside when spellfrost hits for 550. =(
Locks hardly fight them to find them annoying. lol (I will add that lifedrain green line pisses me off). lol
Rets are fine leave them alone.
SP are ok too. maybe give them dispersion at the trainer.
Healers just nerf their healing down to 20%.