So lets talk about Kill Shot

You can’t deadzone it? I mean, blizzard wtf.

at 100% health I just got kill shot’d 3 straight times right in the hunters face.


well from your anecdotal story i guess it needs a buff

if you got 3 shotted then they werent in fact “kill shots”


“This weapon? It will keal.” :slightly_smiling_face:

I think the solution is to either make it work as intended below 20% as an execute on players, keep it as it is in pve, or to nerf the crit damage substantially and increase hit damage a little.
It interacts with Lock n’ Load you can use it 3x without getting a CD every 15 sec, and with trinket it is 5x in a row. 0-41 yard crits for 3k pr shot on cloth is too unbalanced and should be addressed.

I never called for a nerf before because at 41 yards what are you going to do? just click that rez button on ur screen. But, the fact that it can be spammed in their deadzone is beyond ridiculous.

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you’re totally right, lets remove all deadzone from hunters and nerf killshot. all in favor say i!

Only scrub hunters have a problem with deadzone.


lol, well. enjoy being killshot spammed cus blizz doesnt care about pvp in sod and its impossible to balance to make everyone happy.

Probably so Lone Wolf melee hunters can use it?

The good thing is very few hunters have that t2.5 set. So, bgs arent too crazy. But last night there was like 4 hunters queue up and were 1vX with ease.

Work below 20% and execute players

You are aware even warrior execute doesnt hit for hardly enough to kill a player from 20% to 0 in pvp right?

The ability is straight up broken in terms of dmg it does.

This is class favouritism by devs for classes they play. While making paying customers of other classes misrable.

Digusting business practice and 0 integrity


hunters really need their damage cutted in half in pvp or their hp, its ridiculous.


I’m with you man. I hate the ability more than anything in the game. I just have accepted that they have buffed this ability about 5-6 times since p4. increased it’s range, increased it’s damage, decreased it’s CD etc. They are basically making Kill Shot the main ability for hunters and they will not nerf anything that nerfs their damage in raid. That is why I am trying to give examples of how to fix this broken ability without affecting warcraft logs.

No clue why they decided Hunters should have the most HP in game. Makes no sense

“Hunters should never be able to hurt me ever or kill anyone” - Random BUM 2025

Bro I have been executed for over 4k. Maybe it doesn’t hit a shaman hard enough but it can def kill most classes from 20%. You also get a proc to use it at any % HP what are you crying about?

Thanks for the bump. We all know you play hunter you noskill, thats why you shill soo hard despite everyone else proving you wrong.

Ps. A 4k execute flew over my house


Make a hunter and show me how easy it is bud. Mr “warrior can never kill anyone or ever do damage” Sounds like a skill issue to me bud.

Hunters are the easiest to pick up, only flaw was that deadzone since their melee damage was trash(more likely still the case in SoD since Ranged attacks Mainly Hunter Can Only Miss and not be resisted in some cases refering to spell type rounds ie stings nor blockable or parryable) especially with war getting one of the most key Talents Warbringer as a rune, nobody can say it is troublesome to get into melee range with a hunter. since you have Intercept AS well to keep on them with Improved Hamstring(root chance)
But to some degree and agreement cause I am playin as a hunter currently with KS, for Ranged Damage I feel like they need to put the Execute function back in (20% or lower)
with the only exception Lock and Load Work similarly as Sudden Death. but goes into the cd at a lower number (like 5 or 7s)
only gripe I have with the deadzone is, it shouldn’t be 8yrds but Rather the 5yrd buff from wrath-cata. that way it’s still there but smaller. (nothing is worse than being 0.1yrd difference because a mob moved towards you slightly.)
also there is a bug with Trap Launcher not working with all traps.

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GS - do you have ur t2.5 yet?

You have to be real for a sec. I for example was against Enh when it was OP (I refused to pick up the melee runes). I was against the Burn rune (especially the spread to 5 players part). If you can’t see the problem with Kill Shot being usable on targets at 100% and hitting for 3k+ (yes, obviously they are in some pve gear). Then we can never take anything you say seriously again.

Hunters did not need this and as a matter of fact. Did someone post that Hunters express on the OPness of this tier set from the beta testing realms. Blizzard didnt listen. Hunters want more survivability. Can you at least agree on this?

I’ve notice this while leveling my hunter. It was driving me insane. lol

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Once you get onto a hunter as a warrior you have 2 options

Do 0 dmg cause your dmg is trash (even when geared with current tier / pvp set n weapon ) warriors hit for 200-300 and 500-600 crits on anything thats not cloth (outside bgs in bgs this damage is even worse, where you crit for 400 on abilities)

Or not hit at all cause youre in a trap that can be recast and thrown right under you after a scattershot, even if you trinket it, you will not kill a hunter before his next trap is up to freeze you in place. Also deterance.

Hunters have the survivabilty of tanks and the dps of a “pom pyro” on demand every few seconds + stupid cc on short cd and stupid long duration

Also you literally hit harder with raptor strike /mongoose than anything that the warrior has in his arsenal lmao if you want to use the but melee range were screwed argument.

Hunters are broken.


I don’t know man that sounds like a you problem. Warriors been one of the hardest hitters in melee combat since 2004. Much like a Rogue Hunter has the 3rd most highest chance to dodge, due to Agi (2nd being feral druid) (that’s why you slap them with OP, use runes that proc it, and keep the slow up.) (mainly You have to be arms, Fury can work in pvp, but arms is your Delete player spec.)
9and this was before factoring in the Catlike reflex rune since that bumps to 30%+)