Youre crying over everyone saying hunters are broken, despite facts thrown into your face cause you know you wouldnt last one day on a non broken hero.
Get outta here, go play some singleplayer game and turn cheats on if youre bad
Youre crying over everyone saying hunters are broken, despite facts thrown into your face cause you know you wouldnt last one day on a non broken hero.
Get outta here, go play some singleplayer game and turn cheats on if youre bad
you are seriously a clown if you think hunters are OP compared to balance druids or any spec of shaman
seriously you must be missing chromosomes
let me guess, you were on a pvp server AND you weren’t wearing pvp gear either?
p.s. tier 2.5 is bad for pvp after they nerfed it so you’re even more of a degenerate for thinking it’s why you suck at the game haha.
You are crying that warrior can’t do any damage and dies instantly at all times no matter what. What facts have you presented other than boo hoo hunters boo hoo. If you think wars are as worthless as you say than the only bad one around here is you bud.
instead of asking for nerfs because you suck at the game, why not ask for buffs for your own class?
If you use ur brain for something more then to argue about hunters not being OP. You would notice there are threads about how OP Boomkins, Hunters, Tank Sham, Rogue are shoulder to shoulder top tier. All of them have 1 or 2 things that need adjusting and everything would be great.
We’re not calling for a hard Hunter nerf. Just a resigned for the spam able kill shot. its only going to get worst once the shoulder enchants come out. Being able to use it in deadzone is asinine as well. There is absolutely no counter play.
You’re not using all the OP tank shaman stuff? Because I’ve never 3 shot a shaman.
I have never played the Tank Spec, not once.
You must be the only one, give those runes a try, Shamans are by far the most durable class.
Feels Bad for You because now i know that You need a handless class in a ridículous state of damage for killing someone at max range like the coward You are.
" I can’t kill a single player with average dps, without a one shot strat they get into My “dead zone” that is not dead anymore, and kill me" random lozer 2025.
This is literally how hunter is designed. What am I supposed to just walk into melee range and do no damage? Am I supposed to just stand still and not kite people?
No one that isn’t complete trash and in full PvE gear is getting one shot. Every BUM on this forum pretends that hunters have a 100% crit chance and always crit for 3k+ on every class in the game. It’s absurd.
“I have never been able to kill a hunter even before kill shot existed I use to cry about chimera shot but now I cry about kill shot. Hunters should have a 3 second cast time on all abilities and not be allowed to kill anyone” Boarosan the BUM - 2025
Why are you as a range hunter walking into melee range? please make it make sense…
Thats 100% hunter play. (the kiting part just in case you didnt get it).
I mean, you have people come in here with actual proof. I dont know what more you want. lol We’re not asking for hunter to get the Ehn treatment. LOL
I mean hunter cant really kite shaman because you just sprint around immune to slow, I dont think its horrible that theres something we can do while you sit on us. Try the tank runes and a hunter isnt gonna kill you during the KS spam window
I’ve been playing my mage. Need to get it to r13 at least.
I have main hunter in other versions. I totally understand they counter most classes and hit clothies especially harder. But there is counter play. Being shot in the face x3 Kill shot has no counter.
We’re just asking for that tier bonus to be removed from pvp. Im sure its fun to use but not fun to go up against. Hunters did not need it. I would be ok if they got turtle or deterrence spell reflect bake into it to compensate.
they removed the 3x kill shot from pvp, all it does now is reduce CD and give no CD while rapid fire is up. Its irrelevant against mages because you can just 1 shot them anyways.
The counter is use your OP shaman runes and take no damage. I dont even crit the tank shamans for 1k with killshot.
LnL - KS - LnL - KS - KS every 12 seconds. or with trinket x5 every 2 minutes
Pretty weird cause I have gotten kill shot at least x3. Maybe it was x2… lol
No skill should be hitting that hard. You think mages enjoy having to spam icelance to do any damage? I know I dont but its what we got. Otherwise my spellfrost hit people for 550. LOL
Did you not read what the other guy said? He said I’m a coward for killing people at max range. Like wtf? That is literally what hunters do…
I have yet to see any actual proof. All I see are people crying about getting kill shot for 3k which only happens to squishies and maybe leather if you have buffs and a rapid killing proc.
Meanwhile tanks obliterate melee with dodge parry haste. Take 0 damage spin flags for 40 seconds.
Can you imagine being a melee vs a frost mage right now? And the mages have the nerve to cry about hunter which is literally their hard counter. Meanwhile I’m killshotting wars and shamans for like 700-1400. Every class has bad matchups. I legit told you all the trade offs to running rapid fire kill shot spam and the drawbacks it has. I see other hunters running it all the time and they still just get obliterated cuz they have no idea how to position.
People get mad when they see an skeying bum get lucky and 2 shot them. SO they come to rage on the forum. The same thing happens with shamans. IT happens with boomkins, mages, rogues, rets. Every class in the game has a path to victory, some paths are harder than others. Stop trying to get things nerfed and buff the classes that need to be fixed.
People act like hunter can push a single button and 1 shot any class in the game at all times with no deviations and that we are un killable. I die in RNG 3 second stuns all the time. The thing I trinket more than anything is 3 second RNG stuns because if I don’t I’m just dead. Stop trying to SLOW the game down and learn to adapt.
Frozen orb frostbite icelance frostbite icelance trinket FROSTBITE again icelance dead melee. Cry more about your hard counter while you demolish half the classes in the game with ease.
ALso literally 5 globals to get all that off lmao. Can you not los or block before a hunter uses 5 globals on you?
We are talking about different things I guess. You can just spam killshot with rapid fire up and you dont even take LNL, do you even play hunter? I meant the 3 extra killshots from the bonus, that was disabled in pvp.
Its because of Lock and Load they can 3x KS. The t2.5 set bonus isnt worth using in PvP because they cant have Lock and Load. they can use 3x KS every 12 sec or with trinket its 5x. which is ridiculous