Have you just started playing SoD perhaps? Warriors are the lowest hitting melee class apart from enh and has been for quite some time
Arms does no damage at all. Its not been updated at all.
MS hits for less than a dot tick XDDDDD
Who the heck do you want to “delete” with a 200 dmg hit that costs 30 rage and requires you to be ontop of someone and vulnerable. You clearly dont play sod
Warriors always had the slow start. if we’re talking about 2h wf since that seems to proc the most although still limited before factoring armor mitigation while there is raw damage from enh, it majority of it can be parried still
I agree very much on this
27* with the focused Rage rune, and you generate more based on which weapon is slowest at the level. while also having the 2h rune to attack faster.
whole point about arms is to enable and help secure due to the 50% ms debuff, if you know your weaknesses and strengths you do better than most. a dot can do quite a bit of damage sure… but it has a wind up like the others when first applied and can be dispelled just as easily, since with the idea of the argument is a lock (curses, Unstable Aff the healer No Button) mages, druids iirc have methods of decursing mainly mages, and other methods before something like unstable affliction can be applied, you still can be dispelled between the cast realistically speaking, cause charge was your only Ranged Interrupt due to the stun (Still don’t understand why they bothered to change it to a root of all cc since the stun was only 1-1.5s at most)
Ok here is the reality. In order for me to get kill shot spam I need to run 4 pieces of PvE gear. I need to run Rapid Killing head rune. So I give up alot of surv and I give up LnL. So I am effectively weaker vs tankier classes because I now have less chimera shots to shoot. I am also squishier.
The only thing I ever crit for 3k+ are cloth wearers and its mages and disc priests. Spriest in sform usually won’t get crit for 3k+ A non demo lock can also get crit for 3k+. I crit armored targets for like 1500-2k on average. Shamans I crit for like 700-1400 depending on spec/gear/runes/shamrage. Another thing to consider is that when hunters get a KB they get rapid killing which increases the damage of the next shot by 20%. A lot of people will get hit by this and then complain about hunter damage.
On top of all this My 4 set was already nerfed in PvP. The 2 set was nerfed before AQ even launched. EVERYONE else’s tier works in PvP. Rapid fire CAN BE DISPELLED. If I am silenced I cannot cast rapid fire either. And hunter damage is also 100% reliant on crits. Also if I decide to switch my helm for any reason rapid fire goes onto a 5 min CD.
So no I do not think it is a problem. I think the classes that struggle do so because they are missing critical abilities that blizz failed to give them. I have highlighted these in other forum posts. I would much rather buff weaker classes than nerf stronger ones.
And look at enh now. This is the cost of WHINER BABYING in games for nerfs.
I personally don’t care about more surv. I prefer glass cannon playstyles/builds. I would be fine if they nerfed killshot and compensated us with more surv. But they would never do that. Just look at ret, they nerfed bubble but didn’t give them sanctified seals or take wings off forbearance.
Idk what all you warriors are doing that you do 0 damage. I swear you all think you should just be able to charge and 2 shot any target in the game.
This is just wrong. Also you don’t do any less damage in BGs than you do in wpvp so wrong again. People have more HP in BGS not more damage reduction…
Scatter and trap DR. If you sit scatter and trinket trap you have 9 seconds of up time. The next trap is gonna last for 6 seconds. If the hunter is slowed they will not be able to get out of charge/grip range before the trap ends. You also do enough damage to kill a hunter within 9 seconds, especially if they are running 2.5 4 set.
We do not.
I certainly do not. I crit wars for like 800 with raptor strike and they crit me for like 1200 with MS…
Nah your just bad.
“Please nerf the best class in the game against ME! BUT let me continue to perma root melee with frozen orb while I spam 3k ice lances into them and 0 to 100 them.”
They need to change it so you cant use it in deadzone and only usable against targets at 20% health. I would be ok with those changes.
Yeah and they would give us 0 compensation and it would be a worthless ability.
You act like hunters do zero damage. /smh
I don’t, but what you said literally makes killshot worthless. Just remove it from the game at that point. I will be able to kill shot a warrior for 1400 when they are sub 20% if it crits…Oh yeah and if they are somehow NOT in my deadzone… May as well just use chimera shot.
Everyone gets a tier set but me. Sounds fair and balanced.
Its a asinine bonus and 100% not needed. Ur reasoning for it is to stay simply “I will only get to KS a warrior for 1400 at 20% health”. Let me ask you did it kill em? LOL /smh
Let CD reset if it doesnt “kill” someone. I mean, war’s execute doesnt have that. And most importantly “can’t be used in deadzone”. Only terrible hunters cry about deadzone.
Probably not tbh. How am I gonna use it if a warrior is on me? Because its strong against BUM casters it needs to be gutted lmao so boaring. An execute that can only ever be used under 20% and its fine for it to only be able to crit for 1400 because its strong vs casters that is so dumb. How about make it hit casters for 7k and make it hit tanks for 3k+ and then you can say make it not be used in deadzone and only under 20% HP along with making your tier set bonus worthless but every other class gets to keep their busted set bonuses…
I am not crying about deadzone. But kill shot was added because they gave other classes more mobility and gave hunters 0 ways to get out once they are engaged on. So you think the ability should essentially be removed from the game because you don’t like it. Ya boar me.
You are special Gskherald. That’s for sure. lol
You can;
Drop traps in combat.
I hope you spec into Scatter shot.
Traps have an extremely shot CD.
Wing Clip
Engineering (I hope you arent skinning/leatherworker)
Consums ( you know you can also use faps, lips).
What more do you want? Oh, yeah… to delete anyone that manages to get into ur deadzone. Makes perfect sense.
I hope they dont dumb down hunter like they did in retail.
Yeah everyone can use these against hunters as well.
Yeah cuz kill shot one shots any class in the game. and hunters have 100% crit chance. And this coming from a shaman that can just skey around and take 0 damage while spamming 2 abilities. It is amazing.
I’d love to see you play retail hunter with your slow moving brain.
Because I dont play other classes. I’ve been playing a mage of late. I dont play the tank spec shaman. So, I too take full damage from hunters KSx3.
No thanks, But you are welcome to come on Classic and see me play my hunter there. =)
Please tell me you have a class on Classic. Pretty please… =) I will show you how to get out of deadzone.
Midnight Rodeo lmao that explains everything. Yes please show me how to get out of deadzone in classic when people cannot trinket scatter or freezing trap and people have way less mobility lmao.
But they have engineering frost reflectors, Faps, Lips. Whats ur point? lol
You make more excuses than anyone else I’ve seen on these forums.
What is this even in relation too?
What excuse am I making? You are comparing apples to oranges…