So... Killing Brynja was the supposed "Vengeance for Teldrassil," right?

I was, still am and will always be team Maiev, but she was given a minor role in BfA and probably has none at all in Shadowlands. They are putting the vengeance of the night elves on Tyrande, and to that end she needs to obtain it. After that I don’t care what they do with her. But until it’s been obtained, I’m not going to throw her to the wolves, Shandris is a human sycophant and not worthy of her title. And if she fails again, well what difference will it make, night elves don’t get avenged I can wash my hands of the story for good.

Well she did let her beloved tree and people burn to death just to take him to safety. She clearly loves him more than everything she claims to fight for.
He is partly why I hate her.

she legit hearthed them to sw instead of helping her people. -.-

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and they can be woefully inaccurate, such as you.

Lets agree to disagree because I think you’re clearly an enraged fanboy who is just being flat out rude at this point.

Didn’t read the novella, did you?

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A reasonable assessment, she is an absolute failure as a leader. This much is true. But so is the goddess she worships for that matter.

if that was explained anywhere but in the game that’s total crap. because in the game you see her hearth them to sw and abandon her people to protect him.

The in game scenarios never told the whole story. The novella does. There’s more to it than that.

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Yep. Yyyyyyep. The lore means absolutely nothing in this game anymore.

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and I think you are a deliberately thick contrarian. I’m not a fangirl of anything, You like to use quips and only explained yourself once. It’s not my fault you’re inarticulate. Like I said, Tyrande is the one they picked to be the vehicle for vengeance. That little dope Anduin isn’t going to do anything for the Night Elves but wag his finger when they randomly kill Horde. And Shandris is already bending the knee to him

they can’t possibly be really doing that… right?

now i feel really stupid posting about her on the forums because i was certain she was about to become a raid boss and all of my evil role play crap had a purpose. if they’re turning her into some sort of hero figure and the alliance i made fun of on the forums are actually right then since i started maining dekkar has all been a lie.

I remember it explaining why Sylvanas burnt the tree.
But I can’t remember why Tyrande left other than “Whelp, we’re screwed. Better let Sylvanas take it and hope everything works out”

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if this is true it’s most definitely horde bias and it’s a slap in the face to everyone who mains a nelf. and i am not someone who believes in horde bias.

Because her people told her to leave. They needed their leaders to survive. They wanted them safe. She tried to stay.

lol they will. There’s no doubt in my mind they will, they wouldn’t have made that comment at all if they didn’t intend to actually do it. “maybe she’ll just make more!! wink wink

MFers. I wish I could use language that wouldn’t get me suspended. Again. Seriously, why even write a freaking story for this game at this point if they’re just going to retcon ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING? “maybe we’ll just raise the old gods from the dead sometime!” “maybe Sylvanas will just make more val’kyr and make herself immortal and then we’ll never have to kill her off!” God.

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Leaders are supposed to give their lives for their people, not the other way around. That bloody story ‘oh the night elves burned to death knowing that someone would avenge them maybe perhaps’ and 1) didn’t happen 2) welcome to hell, you don’t even get a decent afterlife. 3) Evil (by way of sheer ignorance, enabling and negligence) of Anduin is the major roadblock to avenging them.

i’ve been ranting about it so far in this thread already. i don’t really need to go over this. but it’s absolutely ridiculous and makes my entire main change pointless and makes me a fool for talking about her on the forums at all. so even for loyalists this isn’t good.

i wish i knew what in the actual crap they were thinking.