So... Killing Brynja was the supposed "Vengeance for Teldrassil," right?

Sadly it’s been like that since day one. And got worse with Cata.

i’m worried that the reason they’re even bringing up being able to make new valkyr is because it’s gonna be primes. honestly there’s like 39748598347539845 normal valkyr right now so unless it’s primes there’s no reason to even bring it up.

Makes me wonder what else that pact with Helya was all about.

Never said those 2 words together that is true.
But that was certainly the centiment behind “should I be worried about my faction turning evil?” “Evil is a matter of perspective… azeroth is a world of grey. Its never been a world of black and white”

hopefully it doesn’t involve her sacrificing everything for the greater good and only doing power ups so she can save us all. because if they go that route i wouldn’t blame any nelf players for perma unsubbing.

I just don’t trust Tyrande.

at least in Cata we had the unseen but acknowledged victory in Ashenvale since it was Sentinel supply trains bringing goods in to Voljin’s rebellion camp in 5.3

And then there should’ve been a big push for no more night elf lore ever again, but someone kept pushing for it and we got the middle finger in Legion from the Nightborne followed by War of Thorns and lolnight warrior. And somewhere in between they decided to absolutely confirm trolls are the ancestors, instead of something suitably noble. Whatever. It was from the ‘Titan’s purview’ anyway since they already contradicted the Chronicle…

where did they confirm that? do you have a link? i’m not doubting you but if there is something i’d like to read it. :slight_smile:

coming soon: crossover between world of warcraft and luigi’s mansion, with polterpup as a battle pet

on topic, yeah that’s some hot garbage writing write there. “she got her vengeance” my left buttcheek

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Don’t trust Tyrande to what? Wanting to avenge the fallen isn’t evil. Wanting to wet your blade on the Horde after every thing they’ve done isn’t evil. Bending the knee to Anduin’s peace hugbox as the majority of your race rots in the Maw is evil. I don’t know where Tyrande will go, but the devs don’t give a toss about her, as was seen with the lolnight warrior debacle.

it’s in the first chronicle. About early Kalimdor

Saying Azeroth is a world of grey doesn’t mean “Sylvanas is morally grey.” Which is the issue with everyone raging over that misquote.

In concept, it was a way to make Nelfs savage again. But even a roleplayer knows you don’t god mode a character. They backed themselves into a corner with that.

And Mal was savage and epic for about ten seconds. :expressionless:

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I think she is insane, self centred, ignores logic and reason, and is all round a bad person.
I think the story could have just as easily been her leading us into the shadowlands if it meant she could have gotten her revenge.

are you a horde main?

unless it’s Sylvanas*

the closest they got was a severed orc head into the moonwell. Clearly the image isn’t coming through. Maybe when a new tree made entirely of Horde skeletons is erected in a Drust-esque nod to the winter of life, we can have the savage imagery back, because if you read the rubbish in War of Thorns all you see are inept meatboxes getting cut down by super l337 horde.

Alliance main right now.

i was just asking because i don’t like tyrande either and hope she gets raid bossed. but that’s more for MAAAAAAALFUUUUUUUUUUUURIOOOOOOON MY BEEEEEEEEELOOOOOOOOOOOOVED.

okay so, basically you just make up things in your head and go with it to be contrarian. Gotcha


I’ve read the OP, and the replies…and right now, all I have to say about this epic load of crap trying to pass itself off as solid storytelling is


i hope they have more sense than this.

Different people can view characters in different ways you know.